Rockstar: <holding up a page in his school reader about bird species> Mum. Lemme show you something weird. Guess which is the female?
Me: The dull-colored one.
Rockstar: Yeah! It’s weird!
Me: Because in every other species except the human species the guys are the ones who dress up?
Rockstar: Yeah! Or, make lovely sounds. Or dance.
Me: Oh right, you remembered the crick-
(Like he’s reciting – and now I remember he came back from school one day having learnt that during the animal learning unit sometime back)
Rockstar: “When the male cricket wants a girlfriend, he rubs his legs together to make a sound to attract her” – yeah.
Me: Do you know why?
Rockstar: So only the strongest get to have babies. So their babies are stronger and stronger. <pause> Or smarter. So they can fight predators and won’t become extinct.
Me: Or hunt prey….. strongest or smartest male gets to feed his family… It’s weird right, humans are the only species whose females dress up –
Rockstar: Yeah… Though if I had to dress up I’d be Luke Skywalker!
Me: Uh… you think dressing up as Luke Skywalker would impress girls?
Rockstar: No, the light saber would impress girls……… <trails off> if you actually need girls….. But I want a light saber anyway <shrugs>

Him taking a swing (he does have an actual light saber, but this one he made from parts of a Lego NASA ship)
Blue, red or green light saber?
Rockstar says blue will impress the most girls (?!)