Imagine this entire thing happening in 2 mins…
Rockstar: Mum. Did you know our erasers are made from rubber that likely came from Malaysia?
Me: Yeah… Malaysia is one of the biggest producers of rubber in the wor-
Rockstar: <still preoccupied> A lady came in to school, she was supposed to just present to the Year 3s but we got to listen too, and she talked about how too much plastic in the ocean was making the animals sick and so she was coming up with a kind of plastic that would…… just break apart, break down, so it didn’t pollute the environment…
Me: I guess she meant biodegradable plastic, something that microorganisms can break down so it doesn’t end up clogging the ocean for a hundred years and making animals sick if they eat it –
Rockstar: <nodding impatiently> And (teacher) told us steel is a mixture of aluminium and iron… though I think mostly iron. You mix some of these metals together so they have different properties and you can use them for other things.
<finally draws a breath>
<expectant pause>
Me: Did you have something with a lot of sugar in it today? Was it someone’s birthday in school with………. cake?

Energizer Bunny Rockstar practicing Chai-nese while waiting for Kings to take him for his haircut on another day
So was there cake in school?