#326/ #20
This is how blaming works in this household…
Rockstar bursts into the room with a giant huff…
Rockstar: Mum. This time the blaming thing is much worse! She didn’t just (throw something and say ‘No, Ko-ko’), she said, “You stop it ah Rockstar… Don’t ah…”
(From now-open door I can hear cheerful gabbling)
Me (Calling to Miss through the door): Ko-ko says you did something naughty.
Miss: <Cheerfully> Hi, Mummy!
Me: (Trying not to laugh) No one believes her anyway. Which she also knows, she just does it because she gets such a rise from you. What did she throw?
Rockstar: Charlie and Lola (small, soft cover) book. I am not. Going. Out there!
Me: (Calling out to Miss) You being naughty again, aren’t you.
Miss: <cheerfully> Hi, Mummy.
Me: Are you annoying Ko-ko again?
Rockstar: (still huffy) Ask her, Mum, why she does these things.
Me:Why d’you keep doing that, to get Ko-ko’s attention?
Miss: HEE HEE HEE <mock serious look complete with waggly finger at Rockstar standing next to me> No throwing ah!
Me (to Rockstar): Y-eah. You’re going to have to stop rewarding her with a reaction if you really want her to stop. Somehow she’s discovered that’s the best way to get a reaction from you.
Rockstar: <momentarily impressed> That’s actually pretty smart.But so notti! No! Notti!
Me: You’re a clever girl, right? You like being a good clever girl?
Miss: No thank you.
Miss Rockstar is so smart and so cute, she knows what buttons to push on Rockstar to get a reaction from him.
Happy weekend to all of you!
Same to you! She is unfortunately quite a talented button pusher
Oh how I wish you could get a video of Miss Rockstar doing that and post it up
It would be so adorable! I love reading about your kids…
I wish I could video too
it’s currently very hard to video esp her because she stops doing whatever she’s doing and demands the phone, it’s often LOUD, and after a large number of cracks on the screen (yeah she throws phones a la naomi campbell too) I’ve had to put on a bulky everything-proof case or else will be changing iPhones (insured!) like no tomorrow