Rockstarism #338 – Tooth Fairy The Rockstar Way


Me: Yeah your teeth are definitely wobbling.

Rockstar: Y-es! Fuh-inally! The tooth fairy doesn’t exist, though.

Me: Uh….. O-kay, so what are we going to do about that chestnut?

Rockstar: What, there’s no tooth fairy <shrugs>

Me: Way to spoil it for your sister one day. So what do you understand about the concept of the tooth fairy?

Rockstar: It’s made up by parents. The parents do all this.

Miss butts in:

Miss: Charlie! Lola! Marv! Lotta! <pause> 

We wait to see if she has anything more to add: 

Miss: <raises finger to make her point> Panda Bear!

<satisfied><waits for us to carry on>

Me: So what do you want your parents to do when the time comes?

Rockstar: What? I already know there’s no tooth fairy, it’s parents.

Me: Yeah, so do you know what parents usually pretend the tooth fairy does?

Rockstar: OH. Yeah. We could do that.

Me: But you already said you don’t believe in the tooth fairy. How come you still want to follow this practice?

Rockstar: <like I haven’t said anything> I think it used to be like, 5, 10 dollars (he means HKD) <pause> but I think nowadays it would probably be more like 100. And someone said you have to put the tooth right in the very center of the pillow. 

Me: You’d rather get that in cash or favors? Like when you see some (not too expensive) thing you absolutely have to have and you get one less “no” when you ask?

Rockstar: Oh, yeah. I’d rather have that. Ok fine, don’t give me money. I’ll save it to ask for some (probably crazy) thing I really want. 

So for eventually losing two teeth, our son-who-doesn’t-believe-in-the-tooth-fairy wants something like Steve’s head.

photo 3-42 photo 2-53

I. know. The things the Miss picks up, way before it’s her time………!




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2 Responses to Rockstarism #338 – Tooth Fairy The Rockstar Way

  1. mun says:

    Who let the cat out of the bag? What about Santa Claus?

    Well, good that Rockstar chose what he will want next time over money. Miss Rockstar looks so happy and pleased in the photo.

    • Aileen says:

      He hasn’t believed in the store Santas for awhile, but his position on Santa in general swings from time to time depending what the current trend is among his friends… The latest (maybe a couple months ago) was Real Santa hires a bunch of people to be him, but shopping centers COPY THIS CONCEPT. (Yes. Go back and read that again.)

      Their moods can change really fast if something triggers it… Even the Miss is a bit like that, but what triggers it appears to be quite different from what used to set Rockstar off….

      Oh sorry forgot to mention, I think there’ve been quite a few tooth fairy discussions among his friends in school, to answer your question…. because a lot of kids have been losing teeth…. I had to expressly remind Rockstar to stop asking all his friends to jiggle his teeth because that’s another sick bug just waiting to happen…

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