#342/ #27
Me: It’s evaluation season soon, how do you think you guys did?
Rockstar: I think I did fine… Good…
Me: That’s nice dear, do you think it’s because you worked hard?
Rockstar: Lots of kids do well in these things, Mum. <shrugs>
Me: <turning to the Miss> How do you think you did?
Me: As in, think you’ll get a good report? (Btw the reason I don’t think it’s stressful to her to ask this question with or without Rockstar around is because in the past when I’ve more carefully asked her, “You want to be a good girl, don’t you?” She’s given me a “No, thank you.” Fearless and not eager to please, she’s her own little person…)
Miss: No, no.
Me: <not sure if she’s being funny> Uh… You don’t think we’ll hear good things about you when the time comes?
Miss: No.
Me: Why not?
Miss: <seriously> Fight boys. Fight (boys name).
Me: If you think fighting with a boy is going to earn you a bad report then why on earth were you fighting with a boy?
Miss: Boy naughty.
Me: Then Miss not naughty for fighting with boy??
Miss: No, not naughty.
Me: But… you do believe fighting with that boy is going to get you in trouble? Then why would you fight with that boy?
Miss: Heee.
Rockstar: <thoughtfully> So she’s fighting with boys now… I think she’s going to be one of those girls I used to hate at school when I was younger (he means during Kindy age – he used to really hate girls). Those bossy ones – HEY!
(Miss unceremoniously flings herself across the book he’s reading, with a straight face.)
And I didn’t take a picture of the book carnage but here’s another circus act…
Miss Rockstar’s hairstyle looks like Chun Li in Street Fighter and she fights like her too!
Ah, she is so honest to tell you she fights with boys. Performing some gymnastic moves on the sofa?
She does everything but SIT on it
Her hair is getting too long to do that without first braiding it or something… but it’s heavily layered, cannot braid neatly either… I have to think of something else. Hmm