Bathtime in the Rockstar household…
Rockstar: <holding up makeshift mike> Miss, say “A-ba-da-ba-da-ba”
Miss: <obligingly> “A-ba-da-ba-da-ba”
Rockstar: Ok, obviously you need Mummy to read to you more so you can learn some actual words.
Me: You set her up.
Rockstar: Well, you want her to let you read to her more or not? (Constant bone of contention between the Miss and me because she still rarely sits still for a whole book…)
Rockstar: Miss, you need to prac-tiiiiiiice – AAAAAARGGGHHHH (Miss dumps a plastic bottle of icy water, which she originally intended for herself (because she’s well, crazy) over his head) AAAAAARGGGHHHH AAAAAARGGGHHHH OMG – AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Miss giggles delightedly and so I try my luck –
Me: So can I play your music class songs, maybe we can sing along with some actual words?
Miss: No.
Me: Good effort though, Rockstar. You got ice water dumped over you for that too <Rockstar nods seriously>
Miss: Ko-ko. Don’t. Talk. To me.
Rockstar: No one wants to talk to you. You just dumped ice water on me.
Rockstar is so patient with his little sister. Hip Hip Hurrah for Rockstar!
umm… Not always? But the ice water one is huge for him I agree.. Most people hate ice water dumped on them (except maybe the Miss since she is well, crazy :D) but he is particularly squeamish about it…