#351/ #39
Bathtime In The Rockstar Household continues to take new twists and turns…
Rockstar: So where d’you want to go this time? In a turkey, in a submarine under the sea, or up into outer space?
Miss: Sub-sub-ma- in sea!
Rockstar: Ok! Hold on tight, let’s go!
Rockstar: <bobbing about with the Miss behind him, her hands on his shoulders> We’re exploring, exploring in the sea. We pass some whales. Hi, whales. (Miss giggles and waves).
Rockstar: And then – and then – uh-oh. Oh no.
Miss: What? What? What say?
Rockstar: I can see we’re running out of Oxygen!
Miss: <No reaction>
Rockstar: That’s the air we breathe. We won’t be able to breathe –
Me: Rockstarrrrr….
Rockstar: Oh. Oh. Um… But if we run out of Oxygen, we can always make more. See, this submarine is equipped with our very own Oxygen-making machine.
Miss: Oh. Ok. Want make Oss-ee-germ..
Me: Anyway I thought you don’t scare easily. That fake cry or real cry?
Miss: Fake cry. Want carry. Hee.
Rockstar: Huh. Ok never mind, do you want to go in a turkey instead?
Miss: Yes! Yes!
Rockstar: Ok, we are reaching…….. the stomach first? Intestine?
Me: Well it depends which end you are entering the turkey from, doesn’t it? Actually – wait – gross, how did you even come up with that one, can you just –
Rockstar: <quickly> Ok down the throat, into the stomach…….. Oh, and if this were a cow we would have to do that three times…
Me: Four. You’re slipping….
Rockstar: Huh. Octopuses have –
Me: Those are hearts. Sluh-ipping.
Rockstar: <ROLLS EYES>
Miss: Ko-ko. You a-noy Mummy?
Rockstar: It’s Mummy’s annoying me and yes.
Miss: <triumphantly> Mummy a-noy you!
Me: He also annoys me, what.
Miss: <same tone> You a-noy Mummy!
Rockstar: <mutters, nodding at the Miss> She’s annoying.
Miss: Ko-ko a-noying!
Aha, Rockstar sure has me fooled. I thought Turkey as in country, not as in fowl. Hehehe, so imaginative! so fun!
Kids….. The turkey might be because not too long ago Rockstar was watching a YouTube where someone was demonstrating their method of prep for Thanksgiving cooking… Though that doesn’t explain the voyage into the entrails…