One day we happen to marvel at the many, many things we use modern phones for nowadays, other than to simply talk…
Me: …And that’s why they’re called Smartphones…
Rockstar: You mean like me…. Only, I’m not a phone.
Me: And modest, too.
Rockstar: Wha-at… I’m not a phone…
#353/ #40
The Miss sometimes spontaneously breaks out in what is supposed to pass for song (no, she can’t really hold a note :D)
Miss: <singing lying down, drops soft toy on self> Oh… You-fall-down-on-me, Cat…
On a cab ride home one day…
Miss: Taxi, oh taxi, you are Small Car….
This time Rockstar decided to join in…
Miss: Springtime…. Is in Spring… (They’re learning Seasons in school now)
Rockstar: That’s the sea-son… You-jump-the-most…..
(“Spring”, geddit? <roll eyes>)
Miss Rockstar looks as if she is dancing in the photo. So pretty!