#354/ #41
Looking at a new non-fiction book (more on that later – Rockstar is coming to the end of his Geronimo Stilton Phase (i.e. running out of books haha) and I’d been shopping for new non-fiction books)…
Rockstar: Oh! Ohh! Isaac Newton! An apple fell on his head and he asked “Why?”
Me: Oh, nice to see the science boy is ba-
Rockstar: Yeah, he said, “Hmm. Why does the apple come crashing down but not the moon?”
Me: Uh, Isaac Newton didn’t say –
Rockstar: Isaac Newton asked about the apple when it fell on his head. I was asking about the apple and the moon?
Me: ?! Oh, “he said,” as in you, science boy, asked –
Rockstar: <like I’m stupid> <barely looking up from book> Uh, ye-eahh…
Not to be outdone:
Miss: <singing> Cat, you-will-flyyy <flings soft toy across the room>
Me: Feel like explaining gravity to your sister?
Rockstar: No. I’m going to hide my toys. <still not looking up from book>
(A-and, was thinking how the pictures of these two about to go to school recently really capture what they’re like…)

Rockstar, striding all purposeful and serious (and LATE, having gotten up like, 10 minutes ago) to the bus stop…
So the Rockstars are like the sun and the moon when it comes to getting up in the morning (to go to school)?
Erm… They’re like the sun and moon over a lot of other things, but in this case they’re not as clear opposites – just the Miss is a lighter sleeper and wakes easier in the morning though they both sleep later than they should.. She makes it up with long nap in afternoon..