Me: Hey, can you complete this survey for me about how well your needs are being met as a kid please? It’s for that Effective Parenting course I’m taking in school.
Rockstar: <without looking up, sticks his hand out> Give it.
(Takes him like, 2 mins)
Rockstar: So, are you going to get an “A” or what?
Me: Uh… An “A” is you growing up to be a happy and balanced individual.
Rockstar: I’m sooooo. Stupid. <theatrically morose>
Me: There goes my “A”.
Rockstar: LOL. <pronounced “loll”>
I like his answers!
especially please don’t cut my youtube time and his self awareness – too angry to talk. His handwriting is so neat too.
Haha his handwriting is REALLY not that neat on regular work (sorry to say :P) apparently he took the survey quite seriously… And yes he is aware he has problems controlling his temper and that it costs him… (but STILL cannot control temper! Argh!!)