Playtime in the Rockstar household, interspersed with excited exclamations from the kids and grumblings from the dog (who doesn’t bark so much as rumbles deep in her throat)…
Rockstar: Mum. Guess what we’re playing now!
Me: <Eyeing them alternately standing straight with their backs to each other and falling over in strange ways> Wow, no idea.
Rockstar: Bowling! We’re taking turns being pins! <dull thudding sound as the Miss delightedly bounces a soft hand ball off his chest> Ouch. <falls down>
(They were giving JD a turn at the ball as well…)
Rockstar is so imaginative to think up this game. To they are having so much fun, including JD – and that is without involving any electronic devices.
Oh yeah that’s right! I hadn’t thought of that… the electronic devices thing… Oh, and notice the Miss has to wear her fedora to be a “pin”