Me: How was school, darling?
Rockstar: Awesome! Lemme show you all the great stuff they showed us today! There’s this video done by 12 year olds that’s REALLY FUNNY!
Halfway through the video, which appears to be someone’s school assignment to raise awareness about pollution, interspersed with Rockstar guffawing away for no apparent reason: Me: What exactly are you finding so funny about this?
Rockstar: <pauses video> Look at this guy. He’s supposed to have collapsed from all that pollution and have some horrible lung problem – and he’s totally smiling in the video!
Rockstar: Mum. Look at this (Ninjago fight). Who d’you think’s gonna win?
Me: Erm… Kai (the red ninja)?
Rockstar: No, Lloyd, because he’s the Ultimate Ninja. Also because he’s a kid.
Me: What d’you mean “because he’s a kid,” aren’t they all kids?
Rockstar: No, only Lloyd is a kid. The others are grownups. Well, one is a robot.
Me: And the kid’s the best fighter?
Rockstar: Yup. He’s the Ultimate Ninja.
Me: Why’s he a kid and the Ultimate Ninja? Did something happen for him to become Ultimate Ninja?
Rockstar: It’s because I’m a kid and I’m watching it. Kids watch it, so the Ultimate Ninja’s a kid.
Me: So if lotsa mummies watch it the Ultimate Ninja would be a mummy?
Rockstar: <straight faced> Mummies don’t get to watch what they want to watch because the kids are too busy watching what they want to watch.
(Dis is true, but sad ..)
Pick a caption:
1) “Miss to JD: See no evil, hear no evil, pant all you want.
2) “No stroller, no scooters no bikes, AILEEN, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??!!”
3) “Because I’m not above child labour to walk the Border Collie” (Note: Border collie, not dog.)
ps: This is a just-under-3km Peak trail during the height of summer (they’re in light longs because of bugs) – they both completed it, played with and threw sticks for JD all along the way, and didn’t even sleep early. #feelsocheated #casefortranquiliserguns In addition, Rockstar also said some snobby thing re Have I Any Idea How Much They Do (how active they are) On School Trips… Well it’s true he has told me how he has friends who eat cucumber for snack and run several km at a time when training (I have no idea what is standard for little kiddie track and field or rugby etc, I remember when he said that because I mildly disapproved ;D) . (Big Mac And Run Several Km Sounds More Like It.. I ate quite heavily growing up and as a teen – like, rice and meat for all 3 meals, steak and potatoes… But I think as a teenager you can eat uh, cardboard and your body will likely still deal with it :P)
I select no 1 for caption. Rockstar sense of logic is astounding. Mommies do not get to watch TV because their children are watching.
Those two are really like sisters… including the squabbles
(I mean Miss and JD)