Rockstar: Mum. How come when I was born I don’t remember seeing you?
Me: Wow, your smoothie got here FAST. Do you think that was cos you were polite (to the waiters at one of our regular haunts – I’ve been complaining he doesn’t respond politely enough when they try to play with him), or were you just lucky?
<thoughtful pause>
Rockstar: Naw, I was just lucky <frown and grave head-shaking>.
Rockstar: <thoughtful> Mum. Will you still love me if I’m naughty?
Me: <Panicked> WHAT DID YOU DO?
Rockstar: <gravely> Nothing. Just asking.
Me: Yes. Even if I freak out.
Rockstar: <grave, satisfied nod> Ok.
Rockstar talks much older than his age. I think he will find this photo hilarious too when he is a teenager.
Thanks… I don’t have much benchmark for comparison as he’s my only child (and I haven’t been around other children that much), but the girls in his year can REALLY talk.. Then again at about 40 months there are kids in his class a full year older so I’m quite laid back about his developmental stages (except for his height which is below 3 percentile