Warning… Crime of creativity just ahead…
The hubby has twisted my arm to post this picture of one of his childhood idols (at least that’s not Shu Qi*) with absolutely no regard as to whether I can come up with anything interesting to say about it. Oh, the For Better Or For Worse sacrifices…
*Ages ago, I forbade Kings to tell people he likes Shu Qi (or at least used to – I have milked this opportunity to tease him so many times it’s kind of becoming not worth liking her anymore). Hey now, there’s a brainwave…
My reason was because she acts these “bimbo-tic” roles and I just figured: The person who wanted to spend the rest of his life with me also likes a movie star who’s all airheaded in her films. How does that make me look?
So here we go then…. Drrrrrrum rollll… Meet Tim, most humble and low key self-made entrepreneur millionaire in his late(ish – can you imagine – THERE’S STILL AN -ISH) 20s and overall nice guy. And some hairy-chested guy who horned in on their picture.
Too bad we didn’t get one of the bossMing too
Kings and I remember watching David Copperfield make the Statue of Liberty disappear, levitate over the Grand Canyon, walk through the Great Wall of China decades ago. As children, he helped make learning about those landmarks interesting and more real than any National Geographic could (we were children.)
Amazingly, he looks almost just like he did decades ago. More amazingly, Kings shelled out like, USD 169 extra for VIP seats. I’d love to meet Nicholas Cage one day, except I don’t really have anything to say to him.
But a cellphone picture would be just freaking fabulous.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJjxq9NYYLs]