- These particular ones are all the McQueen characters – including those from extended stories which Rockstar looks for in the book shops (talk about obsessive)… But new rule is we don’t buy matchbox cars anymore, he assembles his own… Nowadays he assembles most of the cars in less time than it takes for our orders to arrive in a restaurant so I still don’t get much peace…
You know you child has a Lego habit when you try to spreadsheet your child’s Lego inventory. Other people keep their child’s test scores on excel, I have a record of Rockstar’s Lego. The only reason it’s a list instead of on an actual spreadsheet (there used to be a time when I worked much faster on excel <blissful reminiscence>) is because my Mac gift from Kings isn’t installed (how times have changed).
And it by far isn’t even the full list, it’s just the ones where I noted down the number and rough description so I could chuck all the instruction manual hard copies and search them online. It doesn’t include the umpteen little ones in their individual plastic boxes that can be made into several different combinations, all from the same set. Basically, friends and family cannot easily buy us anything from Lego City or the Disney Cars series without the likelihood of Rockstar already having it.

Repeat after me Aileen, it's better than tv, it's better than tv, it's better than tv.... Should've opened the two Ikea boxes to take the pic too, they're also full of zip-locked Lego pieces, as is one more box not pictured... The bag on top is because I ran out of boxes...
But then it occurred to me all Rockstar’s Lego (especially since the absolute minimum age Lego he has is for 5yrs – and a lot of it are min age 6 and 7yrs so really small pieces) are choking hazards for the baby. So my solution was a loft bed and built in shelves and cupboards above it. We’re selling the idea to Rockstar as a responsibility to keep non-baby friendly stuff out of reach (mildly interesting to him), having his own “Lego headquarters” (a bit more appealing) and Leave It Around For Baby To Ingest At Risk Of Losing It (very effective).

And he's still at it!!! That one is the Ninjago-something and he's not looking up because he's rushing to finish before I enforce bedtime.
PS: Yes I’m aware there was an attempted kidnapping in front of Rockstar’s school yesterday evening (we immediately received an email from the school principal informing us, among others, that it had to do with “personal circumstances of the family”)… It was then reported on the front page of Chinese newspaper Apple Daily, resulting in news crew outside the school this morning. I found an English one by The Standard:
Mummies discussed alternative ways into the school around news crew. One child cried and wouldn’t go in. If there’s one thing the noise might be good for, maybe it’s frightening would-be kidnappers away…
But… I was about to post re Rockstar’s Lego this morning. It might have made a good blog entry to say my girlfriend’s son stuck his tongue out at the news crew when they got mobbed going in to morning school (I think everyone finds it a bother) but she clarified it was her husband who stuck his tongue out. Humph spoilsport.
Lego HQ’s got an amazing ring to it. Or perhaps Lego City? Or Lego Car Park?
Lemme run that by “The Boss” a.k.a. Rockstar
He can call it whatever and I hope he doesn’t then still insist on naming the baby!