But in Rockstarland it’s also Bug on Pugs Day (What? Get a blog, make things up….)
1) Enter Loca, the Pug Who Can’t Run. (Don’t really like the music, but – seriously, what is with this dog??? (she apparently has a mild brain disorder – which just makes her “feckin cute” as the video says). And her owner promised her a whole roast chicken if the video gets a thousand hits – they’re up to more than a million now. That’s a lotta chicken.)
2) Among (other) Things Not To Care About (but which are cute to look at anyway), pics from Germany’s Great Pug Race.
3) Of course, someone is boh liau enough to dedicate a page to Pugs Dressed As Yoda Or Darth Vader.
What the? I don’t -? I can’t -? These people are sick.
4) 27 Things Everyone Knows To Be True. (#27’s – yes, a pug.) But I liked #16:
5) Fuh-inally – no pugs. Animal BFFs.
6) Fine, no animals – Michael Oswald’s photo manipulations. Like so:
7) More mind-boggling from Bored Panda’s 33 Strangest Buildings. I’m not sure I can even believe the one:
Apparently it really changes shape like that…
Almost the weekend… They… look….. so happy!
8) But that’s not the end. In honor of Friday let’s have Huffpost’s 18 CEOs who look like famous villains. Your company CEO get picked up?
(Dr Evil vs Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs)
Now it’s a good weekend…
Good morning Aileen!
Wow, you are really early with your Friday post,
The goat and the sheep really look so happy, hahaha.
May all of you have a good weekend too!
Yes yes who knew goat and sheep could really smile like that? Some books don’t even concede dogs smile (and you can totally differentiate JD’s expressions!)
Have good weekend too…