1) In honor of World Cup Fever, Baby elephants show us the magic.
2) Followed closely by 32 Things That Existed In Science Fiction That Have Now Become Reality. Like the Star Trek PADD => iPad
3) Business Insider’s 10 regrets you can avoid. Because I had either snarky, disagreeable or gushy things to say about some of them.
#1 – “Don’t buy things, buy experiences. A thing is a house. An experience is a trip.”
Right off I disagree. Things can be experiences. A house is a home can be an experience, right? And I’ve never had a travel bug because I hated that “broke” feeling when you return home. Speaking of which – wouldn’t it be great to return home to your own awesome house?
And yet. “…..An experience is a visit to that girl or guy on the other side of the world who said, “maybe”.
From the safety of never having been hurt that way, think of the “frendemy” you had growing up who becomes a friend. The ex who becomes a friend. Why? Because the experience is an interaction with another human being. Human nature is this terrible, wonderful, terrible thing. (Yes I did put the word “terrible” twice.)
An ex is someone who once got to see a part of you not everyone sees, who has the potential to give you a possible insight into your soul. (If they’re not a basket case. If you are not, either.) Which bit had not worked out? Why? Which bit did? I know some are going to super disagree, but if you have a “good” ex I think they can be invaluable friends.
So seek potential. Caveat: strive also to see if that potential can ever be realized. Which would bring me to…
In Rockstar’s words, “Stay away from black holes.”
Under #4’s ho-hum header, “Don’t fall in love with someone who is in love with somebody else” (which I guess is kind of a given – I was more after the black hole metaphor) was this description in the link:
“These people ….. (have) sucked all the love out of the room so when you walk in, it’s already too late, you’re past that zone in the black hole where nothing ever gets out.”
I’m borrowing this analogy not just to describe love, but also energy. There are things – people, animals, experiences, circumstances – that feed you energy and strength (for me the biggest one is faith), there are others that suck it away. Nothing can withstand a black hole; there will be nothing of you left if you are giving all the time only. I just mean, it is very noble, but you won’t be able to keep it up indefinitely like you really wanted to anyway, unless you get at least a little light or Oxygen coming back to you from somewhere.
Why not go out there and find the source of your magic. Look everywhere. You never know, it might be in………….
4) Cute Bunny Pictures! 20 Adorable Bunnies Sticking Their Tongues Out.
Honey Bunny, my Thing Someone Told Us Was A Rabbit when I was about 8 or 9, used to do that too. She wasn’t sweet, sometimes she was feral, but she still looked pretty cute when she stuck her tongue out. Seriously, it’s a slightly dangerous misconception that cute little animals don’t bite or inflict some bad scratches. JD, all 18kg border collie of her has never harmed a fly, but I can’t tell you how many times my pet rat, various hamsters and yes, Honey Bunny have drawn more than a little blood from me. Yes I got tetanus shots a lot.
5) O-r, the source of your magic might be in doing something like this:
These stars didn’t need the extra attention. So when they saw bunches of paparazzi hanging outside their eating place, they exited with cards that list charities and non-profits they support.
This is my favorite case of Everyone Wins. Aside from the obvious Non-profits Get Some Publicity, even the pesky paps and press who plague A listers get something better than their usual pic of celebs whose-outfits-shall-be-analyzed-to-death – doing this little stunt was bigger news. And it wasn’t even awful gossipy news.
6) Remember there were certain books/ stories that somehow made you feel so good just reading and re-reading them? Bet some of us have toys like that too. Especially when you sell them for a truck load-a money. Everyone start digging up their storage nooow!
7) This weekend’s Rockstar Skit is – what else – Attack Of The Cuddle Monster Part II!!! (Note Rockstar’s facial expressions)
And there’s the magic.
Good weekend, dears…
A good weekend to everyone on your end too!
Those cuddle monster photos are superb! She will have a fun time looking at her ko ko’s expression in the photos.
Haha to be sure… Hope your weekend was good too…