So We Survive…

(This is Rockstar just before Dress Up Day in School and then the party… I desperately wanted him to nap because no way he survives the party without at least a short sleep. First, he couldn’t sleep because he was too excited. 5 minutes before it was time to go, he fell asleep. We dressed him asleep.)

We….. survived ockstar’s school Halloween. YYIIIIPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, not exuberance. That was my finger falling asleep at the keyboard. Kings said barely a word in the car and crawled straight into bed for a nap around 6.30pm. ockstar was wired and insisted on keeping to his normal bedtime schedule instead of crashing (but chattered in his sleep all night and had a couple nightmares.)
I thought I was too wired to sleep. I usually try to read Daily Bread before sleeping, so logged on. Kings came home from a late night basketball game to find me unconscious with the open laptop on me.

(Yes, this is a picture of a Daddy Cow helping his Baby Cow up while Buzz Lightyear (mind the wings) is simultaneously clambering to Infinity And Beyond)

Buzz Lightyear was a very popular choice. There were also 2 Iron Mans (complete with light-up circle things in their chests), 2 Lightning McQueen-themed racecar driver  jumpsuits, umpteen little skeletons and pumpkins, a knight in full “chainmail” who wanted his freebie Halloween sticker on his sword, and of course lots and lots of princesses, Snow Whites, policemen, firemen (ockstar briefly considered this option before deciding “No, I’ll be hot” so that’s him in the foreground in an oversized police jacket  rustled up at the last minute because the costumes I ordered online never came.)

Apologies for all the backs, but I didn’t want to post other people’s pics  unless they said it was ok and I will probably then wait til the cows come home (sorry) before I have pics for this entry. Lots of people came from work, as did the giant cow who found his costume in Central (business district). I’m almost sure he’s a banker by day.

You can just make out the little skeleton, a cowboy and indian (who brought a baby pumpkin), and Mario and Luigi (from Mario Bros) – complete with the curly moustaches in this tiny pic…

It was probably an unqualified success. I guess. If you look at the unexpected Giant Atomic Mushroom of a turnout. And ockstar’s teacher (dressed as Litte ed iding Hood) and the principal (dressed as – what else? A pirate chief) coming to congratulate us and ask us to get everyone in faster.

The line at the entrance snaked all the way into the street and based on the takings there were probably more than double the SVPs. We were hard pressed to collect the entrance fee, sell lucky draw tickets, make change.

And I really enjoyed the pressure. I miss that about my old dealing room job.

But then because of the giant profit from the takings (we were only budgeting to have a party and share all costs, with the volunteers footing the initial bill and risking any shortfall) we have to meet to decide. What To Do With All That Extra Money. Hm. This is hard. It probably means more events to spend it since I don’t think any of us are out to turn a profit on these things.

So… I’m wondering what to do. I find the meetings the hardest. Trying to be polite even when you get “Cut all the stickers in half before you show up at the party. No, you can’t bring a scissors and cut them when you’re there, you have to do them before you arrive.”

It’s not mummy behavior to say Scr*w You, is it?

I really tried to “do them before” – my most valiant and sincere attempt to get along  – – except I forgot. (Seriously. I swear. I really forgot.) I actually did try to do that idiot thing at home, at which point I realized I had left the bloody stickers in the school office.

But to be fair people really, REALLY pulled their weight. There’s no slacking, no pulling out. One mum even herded her 2 children, a 2 and a 4 yr old, onto a plane (for like, a 9 hour flight) straight after the event. So I will cut the stickers before the event next time. Can’t believe I’m saying it. IF I join another one, that is.

I count the event successful not due to the giant takings or turnout. A usually reserved Rockstar was sitting next to me importantly handing out stickers and folding lucky draw tickets after the initial crush of costumed kids had been cleared. He loves responsibility. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him greet other bigger, older kids in the school. But that day he waved and even threw in a “Hi” – and some boys even waved back. Praise the Lord.

Then he had one giant screamfest in the empty reception area because I wanted to give an early leaver an extra sticker and he was power-tripping about the sticker supply… Just One..


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  1. Pingback: Police Officer Sergeant Rockstar | Raising Rockstar

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