“Hey, my name is Jim, where did I go wrong
My life’s a bargain basement, all the good sh*t’s gone…..
1) These people got really sick, doctors scoffed, and then some of them found happiness in the Town Without Wi-fi.
“…In Green Bank, you can’t make a call on your cell phone, and you can’t text on it, either. Wireless internet is outlawed, as is Bluetooth.
….It turned out there was a whole community of people out there who called themselves “electrosensitives” and said they were suffering due to the electromagnetic frequencies that radiate wirelessly from cell phones, wi-fi networks, radio waves, and virtually every other modern technology that the rest of society now thinks of as indispensable……
Whatever happens…….. Monique is pretty convinced that her version of the science will prevail and that future generations will see the folly of iPhones and laptops just like past ones did asbestos and cigarettes.“
2) “Orphanage Tourism is big business…” Why You Should Avoid Orphanage Visits In Cambodia.
“…The number of orphanages in Cambodia has almost doubled in recent years, despite the fact that the number of orphans has declined. It’s shocking to realise that the laws of supply and demand apply to the business of orphanages, where children are the commodities and well-meaning foreigners are the customers…”
…..Oh, Tuesday just might go my way
It can’t get worse than yesterday
Thursdays, Fridays ain’t been kind
But somehow I’ll survive….
Hey man I’m alive I’m takin’ each day and night at a time
Yeah I’m down, but I know I’ll get by……
3) Autistic Boy Discovers His Gift After Removal From State Run System.
One of the reasons I appear to link more articles on this is because I have Malaysian friends whose kids or nephews range from borderline to quite severely autistic and where they live in Malaysia, end up being home schooled, because of the lack of provision for such special needs.
Another reason is because Rockstar has a friend he occasionally play dated with from Kindy days (so it’s been 3, 4 years of sometime meet ups now) who is mildly autistic. You may pick at my flawed comparison, but I’m going to stand by this point anyway, that this friend of his, however he sometimes loses it or etc, has to date (touch wood never lost it with Rockstar, and has treated him better than a few “normal” kids.
(YES I’m aware this is a flawed comparison, the catch being Maybe Because He Can’t (mistreat Rockstar), but I have enjoyed the little luxury of not having to explain to Rockstar that his other friends were “kidding” when they told him he was too little to be in a particular group, that Science Club was definitely cancelled and he should just go home, or that you really didn’t have to work that hard on your times tables because they haven’t yet (and actually they have). In other words, Everything’s A Package of goods and bads. Your “package” has goods as well as bads just as other “packages” do, I continue to opine that society causes us to value some “goods” (like academic achievement) over others (like being a team player rather than excessively competitive) and aside from a thing about perspective, is also a thing about looking specifically at the hand you are dealt.
Galations 6:4 used to be on my dealing room desk: “Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.”)
Anyway re article I linked above – it says State therapy specialists claimed Jacob Barnett would never tie his shoes, read or function normally. He’s currently studying condensed matter physics at Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianapolis, having entered college at the age of 11. My two cents are:
a) It must be quite near impossible to truly understand or predict all the capabilities of the human brain (qualified also by the acknowledgement of some statistic or other that might show how few wildly successful cases like Jacob’s there are), and
b) If you were a teacher in a State-run establishment and paid the same salary to handle – I don’t know, 40? kids regardless of how “easy” or “difficult” they were, well, you are only human (sure, your life gets better with more “easy” than “difficult” kids) and probably overworked (how to watch all 40 of them especially when some are swinging from the chandeliers or something?).
I’m gonna pick up all the pieces and what’s left of my pride
I’m feelin’ like a Monday, but someday I’ll be Saturday night….
4) Yet another public service message: Coffee Drinks You Don’t Know About, But Should. You’re welcome. (Bows).
5) Another public service message (for myself, really :D): 9 Healthy Food Swaps. Also strangely in honor of Rockstar’s current school reader which is – no I’m not kidding – about Maple Syrup. And, know what else? He really liked it (the reader!) so I now find myself promising to hunt some down for him.
6) Rockstar skit is What To Do On A Saturday Night, in honor of their very first fleece blankets that Rockstar’s friend has given these two.
Obviously, this is a Rockstars Stamp Of Wild Approval
Good Weekend, Dears
Good to see the Rockstars having so much fun playing with each other using the blanket.
Hope your cough is gone now.
Have a good week ahead!