Sometimes in life we are faced with hard choices… Do I write the lengthy, soul-searching angsty post about some imagined slight or crappy childhood incident, or do I post a bunch of cute kiddie pics. This is hard.
Yeah actually I didn’t have time to write anything – Kings is on a long weekend business trip and Rockstar wasn’t in school Friday because of “3-way conference,” which is basically parent-teacher conference where the child is also involved (no, I wouldn’t mention performance on the blog even if/when I talk about it – Rockstar’s getting older and I know I initially said don’t care about waiving that particular privacy, but then we were in San Fran that Christmas and there was a big bullying story in The States and that’s when we went back and scrubbed things off the blog). In other words I haven’t actually written anything since last Thursday, a situation about to be prolonged by a further day as I exploit pictures of my children in lieu of a post until I can pack the older one off to school come Monday Wheeee! Hope Springs Eternal the other will be on a Good Nap Day tomorrow.
Anyway, Sunday afternoon with the Rockstars. This btw, was all Rockstar’s idea. She likes to pull his hair or t-shirt and he hates it, but every once in awhile I’ll look at these two and think How Did I Get So Blessed?
Rockstar: Look, Ms Rockstar! Purple cup, blue cup! Which is the purple cup?
Yay! we get cute kiddie pics, thanks.
Hahaha, Ms Rockstar is so happy. Just look at the last photo. Great idea, Rockstar! Thanks kor kor, says the little Miss.
?? My reply didn’t get posted again, and I only realized when I came back to Rey the other comment.. She’s really crazy about the bro, and it’s been very good for the bro to be adored by a younger child as well, I try to milk that because otherwise he’s often the youngest and littlest in school..
Lucky for me you repost your reply.
your kids so cute~ XD
Regards, (A Growing Teenager Diary) ..
Wah your “Mr Lonely” threw me off ok… Until I saw your blog description
thanks and all the best in your angsty teen years. Rumor has it you don’t stay a teenager for life!