We spend a seriously embarrassing amount on the fair games at Luna Park. Because all Rockstar really wants to do is shoot hoops and throw darts. He is by far the littlest, youngest child at the games stalls and keeps attracting tween Caucasian littlegirls who say he’s really cute, standing on the tables with very serious expression (not to mention giving us a play-by-play) as he launches basketballs and darts.
To everyone’s amazement (ours too) he manages to pop 3 prize balloons unaided – then prefers to exchange most of his prizes (the giant plush ones) for more ball and dart tries. But he totally can’t score with the balls – the blonde teenaged boy minding the stall keeps giving us extra tries and at the end thrusts this dog at us muttering “You guys played this thing like, 5 times.” (Which is something like AUD 25). So we got an Expensive Free Dog. First soft toy Rockstar has ever really shown an interest in.
In fact, all the stalls give Rockstar lots of extra tries. (We still spent a lot though <sheepish> Kings’ shades of We Don’t Know When We’ll Be Doing This Again When I Start Work.)
There’s another section with a hall of mirrors, and lots more attractions just outside… There is a group of special needs kids organized in the center of the hall… In one of the queues there’s a Caucasian man with an Asian woman and her son who looks to be about 10… She’s speaking English kind of the way we’re quite used to hearing it spoken among locals in Hong Kong and I try to strike up a conversation with her out of curiosity <sheepish> a bit boh liao lah but well the nearby Singaporean pharmacist also did that with me when he heard me and Rockstar talking what… He’s been here since he was 12 (now late 30s) but still totally speaks Singlish, “Aiya once Singaporean cannot be totally Ang Moh one lahhh.” Erm ok.

View from the cafe we were sitting at before popping into Pharmacist That Happened To Be Run By Singaporean - and there are like, 3 pharmacists practically across the street/ next to each other
Anyway. Hongkie mum isn’t chatty though her companion is quite friendly with us… And tries to keep Maybe-10-year-old Asian boy from bumping into me from behind repeatedly (no, we don’t hear the mum say anything. Hmm.)
Ok Luna Park Haul:
1 giant bubble wand
1 Expensive Free Dog
1 seriously giant pencil with sharpener attached
1 big Luna Park children’s cup with crazy straw attached
2 x 3 sheets of stickers
3 little soft balls
2 tiny dice cushions
2 giant dice cushions (that Rockstar really couldn’t care less about Kings giving away; he then requests more tries at darts and basketball i/o more prizes)
2 free games (which Rockstar traded some other little prizes for)
Not counting all the extra tries from all the stalls we played repeatedly at…
And that’s how much we spent at this place ok…
It’s so nice to see Rockstar enjoying himself so much with the basketballs and darts. What a memorable fun vacation for him!
I especially liked that he enjoyed not winning as much as winning… Like when he traded prizes for more games…