We didn’t catch a show… yet, anyway, we just went to the Opera Bar for brunch… I discouraged Kings from trying out the otherwise fairly popular dim sum stall in the foodcourt (well duh, we live in Dim Sum Land)… Relatively frequently, we pass vacant shop lots for rent around the city… (In the Blue Mountains area, we come across at least several “For Sale” signs on homes too…)
We pass a tiny (by comparison to San Francisco and London) Chinatown… In fact we pass by so unexpectedly quickly I don’t manage to get my cell from Rockstar in time for a pic.. On an aside, come to think of it… There are actually quite a few Asians here, we’ve been overhearing conversations in Putonghua, Cantonese and Korean around the city… On of our waitresses was from the Philippines… But (hope I’m not offending anyone, it’s just an observation) there seem to be far fewer obviously mixed race couples or children on the streets here than in say, Hong Kong. Dunno why that is, HK has lots more obviously mixed couples/ kids…
(Anyway re the mixed couples/ kids thing… Just that when I was pregnant I went thru a phase of drooling over the beautiful mixed kids around me, there is a certain gorgeous coloring that you only seem to get from say, Caucasian and Asian, or other two very different colorings… Kings even went Uh, you know your child is not going to come out like that right? Then when Rockstar was a baby and I carried him around in a harness I would get Mainland aunties looking from me to him asking, “Is the father Chinese?” (Apparently I don’t look “very Chinese” to them) and when I ask why they will say, “Your baby looks very Chinese.”

What An Apparently "Very Chinese" Child Looks Like (not really lah, we haven't been getting that question since he grew into a toddler)
I seriously don’t get offended by this, and one of our Caucasian pastors in HK who adopted 4 children – 2 Caucasian and 2 Mainland Chinese, once mentioned he got asked by the taxi driver if he had 2 wives, and one of them was Chinese)
Ok these are just our Horsing About With Opera House In Background Or Really Just Horsing About In Front Of It Pics (as kind of mentioned in header) – we didn’t stay long because we spent the day at the Australian Museum… Akan Datang…
Hey Aileen, lovely family vacation photo! Everyone is so happy! For the “Identical Expression Photo”, what expression was Rockstar supposed to have on his face?
The same one as me… Big eyes and looking at each other.. He sometimes has who-blinks-first-loses contests