An English girl with mildly punky dyed red hair tells me she’s 24 and has just finished college; she intends to do this (travel while working cafes – food and staff quarters are paid for) for the next 4-5 years, then go back to college to study language or broadcasting when she’s “maybe 29 or 30.” I’m supportive, partly because she’s the first one I chat with about it… but a few minutes after she leaves our table and I’ve had time to think about it, I feel a bit guilty.

Rockstar, immediately following his last ski lesson - we took all the gear off and then he got really quiet and after confirming he HAD had a good time, he kind of just leaned to one side and fell asleep Much to the delight of the ski rentals staff. Now they all want one too.

So I browsed the souvenir store over and over while Kings checked his Berry... We carried him into the car after letting him nap on the bench for about an hour
At almost-35 I sometimes feel horrendously dorky when I get out there and see things like snow “a little late” as I do. But we can’t afford all the things we want in life .I can be encouraging to the 20-somethings I meet for 15 mins sure, but if I’m honest I would admit I would not have chosen to do what they’re doing. The “opportunity cost” of it gets to me.
Part of the reason I was “blinkered” was because there was something else I wanted more. I guess it depends what you really want – how much you want it, and what you’re willing to give up for it… Because unless you were born a rich kid (and not just any rich kid, but one who has absolutely no problem relying on the folks’ money – which is quite something right, I don’t know many rich kids like that) you will not be able to afford everything, you will have to choose. Time. Relative youth. Money. Lifestyle.
Based on current market conditions, what is the best combination of factors you can afford in the investment product? Oops, I mean life. What, to you, is the most desirable combination of factors that you can afford with which to live your life? And break out the laundry list. If you don’t know what you want and just how bad you want it, how will you get it?
The flip side of doing what Girl I Met In Cafe is doing is she is going to start her career in her early 30s. I regret not at least telling her that, just cos from our conversation I wasn’t sure she’d thought of it. Save for nixing any little leadership positions that foreseeable-y might require a little more politicking post baby Rockstar (got pregnant at 30) I headed my first (small) team when I was about 28 or 29.
We know people who chose to sabbatical right after really costly degrees, or hating said costly first degree and going back to school to do a second degree – and when they came out several years later and were just starting out while some of their friends were already a few years in the market with slightly better hours and pay – they felt the difference. It’s not something I’m sure that many 20-somethings think about – they might (or not, depending on their priorities) feel left behind.
It is their choice to give up some seniority and earning power in order to have the experience of a sabbatical (like I’m doing now raising Rockstar), or study something else – the thing that just gets me is I’m not sure they made the choice having really considered opportunity cost.
(NOT referring to those who don’t WANT to sabbatical, but just can’t find a decent job in which case my heart goes out to you, it’s happened to me before* too… And I realize there are people who worked harder than me and didn’t get the same opportunities – so for the mentors and friends I’ve had, I consider myself blessed.)
Ok back to the trip – from Thredbo we drive back to Darling Harbor where Kings has booked a room at the Four Points Sheraton for the last leg of our trip. We arrive at something like 10pm at night and tired Kings upgrades us on arrival.
And this is our view, night:
And day, through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows that take up about half the room
Even with the room upgrade this is the cheapest accommodation we’ve had on our trip. Just about half of what our Thredbo accommodation cost per night, but the real shocker is it’s easily 30% cheaper than the apartment we rented in Mosman. (Yes the ones with blinds perpetually stuck in open position in living room when we are on ground floor, where the heaters keep tripping, not enough hot water for baths, and no hairdryer because the owner claims it “always gets stolen” – all the apartments we’ve rented this is the first we’ve encountered this ok..)
When Rockstar was younger we had a habit of staying in apartments rather than hotel rooms because we wanted to do our own laundry with baby-safe detergent, and I washed his bibs and clothing often. It wasn’t just a case of the germ-freaky though – baby Rockstar had seriously sensitive skin, as in he rubs his face on some fabric surface that doesn’t agree with him and his whole cheek flares up with an angry, itchy rash.
But we have not been using baby detergent in awhile. We won’t be renting Mosman again either.
Ps: I’ve never been drunk or high in my life before either. But I don’t think I’ll try it…
**I studied where and what my parents told me at university, hated it, couldn’t get a job initially in a bad market. (Then when I finally got into banking I would encounter 3 mergers in 10 years.) Periodically I considered going back to study – especially since I hadn’t really had much chance to choose what I did first time round – but in my case I just couldn’t bring myself to give up a few years of chalking up potential job experience or earning a salary.
Hi Aileen, Good for you for not havving been drunk before. I have not been drunk before either and I have also never done the “clubbing” thing and don’t think I’ll try it.
About the English girl you mentioned above, I think that people who made decision like her are very courageous and true to themselves. I think they would have really considered the opportunity cost (because almost everyone around them would have warned them against “getting left behind” later). I would have liked to do something like her but did not because I am just too scared that I will be too “old” to get a job after seeing the world.
During the time when you were considering going back to study, what would you have studied if you went back to school?
P/S Yes, the top left photo of Rockstar really freaked me out!
PP/S May I ask some questions unrelated to your post? –
For someone doing A-levels now who is interested in a career in Investment banking, what degree would you advise her to take and which university (worldwide)? Would her degree have any bearings on her chances of getting into the investment banking industry? Actually how does a person get into the investment banking – I heard that it is very competitive and the quality of applicants are very good.
Yeah so freaky right! He thinks it’s hilarious but it can be really, really scary..
In another life I would’ve studied English language/ literature, I love to write (if you hadn’t maybe guessed :D), maybe a little economics..
Btw technically I wasn’t an investment banker, I was a private banker (not sure any cares about the difference) but Kings is.. We didn’t want to both be in the same area so I moved away from “sell side” after we got married..
Degree helps a bit but not as much as we expected.. I guess the obvious choice of degree is Accounting and Finance but we met not a few traders who did Engineering or other very Math-related stuff.. There is a book written by a trader in London (I think title is Confessions of a City Girl) – and her degree was in music. I think the name of the university matters quite a bit..
But it’s not just the degree… Kings had a strong First in Accounting and Finance from London School of Economics, and he founded a club that became a biggest there – something re mentoring, to help I-banks get first pick of candidates, and even then the amount of rejection he got initially was surprising..
As for me I actually blogged about my first few years in gofer positions and such, not sure if relates but here’s the old post
Thanks Aileen for the link to your previous post. Just one more question, do you already have access to the dealing room at the time you volunteered for “gofer” jobs?
Now I understand why I am addicted to your blog. You do have a flair for writing. *thumbs up* You could publish this blog as a memoir.
Re: Rockstar’s “hilarious face” – I am very much frightened by it – not by the freaky look – but because I am afraid the eyes will get stuck permanently in that position and will not roll back down.
The very first one was actually not…
haha… that part about the eyes stuck there and cant roll back down is scary.. hmmmm…
Hi zmun2, if i may contribute as well….. I think whatever degree is fine but as long as it comes from a reputable university… that will helps… Also if you do choose to study Finance/Economics, that will help too…
Also give it a try to get into an internship program with i-banks so that you get an idea how it work there + build some useful contacts along the way.
When I was a student, I enjoyed reading the book “Liars Poker” by Michael Lewis… Do check it out to get a feel.. The way he described banking in that book is pretty true.
Hope that helps. Good luck.
Thanks for replying too. Will check out the book you recommended.