Ms Rockstar is a huge bath and water baby. And then Rockstar insisted on being the one to pour water into Mr Lobster to make the wheels turn (the baby is actually holding her hand out to feel the water as it drips because those are the Tomy cups for water play with the holes in them). He can’t reach Mr Lobster without falling in, so I have to hold on tight. Obviously it never occurs to him I might slip, so I’m holding on for dear life.
That is truly teamwork!
Doesn’t Rockstar want to join Ms Rockstar in the bath? Then they can have water fun together and it will be easier for Rockstar to pour water into Mr. Lobster, hehehe.
He can’t wait to go swimming with her, and will go dancing crazily enough on the bed around her, stuff like that – but Rockstar IS a very serious and reserved child in general and that includes few hugs (except for ppl he is very close to) and no communal baths with the baby. Like, EVER.