1a) Facebook messages beginning with, “To the fatty running on the track this afternoon,” usually make you steel yourself for the unkind words that remind you once again how ugly people are, don’t they?
This one ends, “If you’d only look up from your feet next time we pass, you’d see my gaze has no condescension in it. I have nothing but respect for you…..”
Pretty awesome, right?
Only problem is if people don’t tell me it’s going to end well, I usually don’t read beyond “to the fatty………”
b) WAIT. There is a reply. Guess what it says?
“…Many of us have been that person being judged and then twirled into some weird inspirational story. I was judged at the gym at 400 pounds….. I was embarrassed at 300 pounds….. honestly I was the same person at 195 pounds as I was at 420 pounds.
I tell people now that weight loss should not make you love yourself more. That is the mistake I made.
So next time you look at me on that track do yourself a favor. Look away… I do not want to be your inspiration or your motivation.
I am a runner. I was a runner at 420 pounds and I am a runner today.
And runners do one thing.
They run. Not write about other runners.”
c) Wait. There is a commentary from someone else.
“…….It almost doesn’t matter if the things you want to say are positive or negative – both are alienating, because both require that I be specially singled out as different.
……….instead of talking to me like a normal person…… you’ve made a series of convenient, grandiose, sweeping assumptions. Assumptions that let you think that telling me “you f***ing rock” is kind, and makes you a very good person for saying something so nice.”
And o-kay, I’m going to stop now. But –
<frantically un-likes original like-ing of FB post>
2) Pew Research Article Indicates Rise In Stay-At-Home-Mums For First Time In Decades. I know why! I know why! To support schoolwork and pack lunch boxes and stuff! I’m serious; I started checking my Facebook more often and you should see some of the things mums make for lunch box lunches. Quiche made from scratch. Potato gratin bakes. Seriously exotic fruit salads.
(These two pics below are from Yee’s Kitchen on Facebook. How can I type kiddie lunchbox and not remember they have these hor?)
I shouldn’t be surprised technically, because several of my Korean mum friends have patiently tried to explain to me how they order ingredients from Korean grocers to make their special sushi, but….. some of the offerings….. I can’t even. Oh, wait, wait I think you can save money by being a stay-at-home-mum – because you won’t need to pay for therapy for your child when a helper parents them wrong. You can save all the therapy packages for yourself. Excellent. My work here is dones. <dusts hands off>
(For real though I’m kinda off the hook with Rockstar – he says don’t bother too much about lunch because he “needs” to go play. I can remember Kings telling me not to cook so he wouldn’t feel obliged to come home for dinner if a client meeting turned up last minute. Sound familiar?)
3) Environmental Working Group (EWG)’s “Clean 15” 2013 – list of fruits and veggies least contaminated by pesticides. (And the most contaminated – unfortunately apples are no.1 on the Dirty Dozen list.)
(Been researching more diet and nutrition particularly for the Miss… As in planning intake frequency for certain foods, not actual recipes – I shall take a lesson on preparation anywhere, from people who are actually good at that and enjoy it. Me, I’m more rough-mental-checklist-of-what-they-take-in-every-week person. How many servings of salmon a week, almost an egg every day (boosts memory), that kind of stuff….)
4) Prizewinning Catholic Biologist. “….the popularity of his text… make him one of the most influential “teachers” of evolution in America… many of his fellow evolutionists recoil from the old-fashioned religion that sits so comfortably in his soul, seemingly at peace with his science….”
6) Frozen Dress Sells For USD 1600. (Told ya this week was about stretching your imagination. As in This Is How Far People Go For Their Kids – imagination – the original retail for the dress was… 20 bucks?
“Frozen.” Now, there’s a market for picking the next insanely popular thing kids want. Y’know, because us parents are just cray.
7) The Year Of No Sugar. Family of 4 undertakes a pledge to ingest no sugar for a year. While cutting out sugar is a good one itself, what I found really interesting was how the family coped with doing without. For e.g., the mum encouraged their 11 year old daughter to keep a diary “because I knew there were times she would be mad at me and not want to talk about it.”
8) The 20 Most Peaceful Countries In The World. So, my geography in secondary school was pretty bad. I don’t know all the countries in this thing. Oh, you too? So your geography in secondary school was pretty bad too.
9) This week the Miss’ skit is in 2 parts:
“After my cuppa…………”
“I’m WIRED!”
(haha no lah, she had a 4-hour nap is why)
Good Weekend, Dears
Was that really her cuppa?
Wonder what Miss Rockstar will want for her lunch box when the times come.
I wouldn’t be able to eat those pretty figures for lunch. Feel like cannibalism if I eat the iron man, captain america rice? figures.
Ok, hope all of you have a very good weekend!
It was a very busy weekend as Kings was working throughout… But Rockstar made us jelly with lots of fruit in it to make up for it
If the girls in Rockstar’s year are any indication, there’ll be a lotta “Frozen” stuff… I think there’s a potentially big market for lunch box lunches because 1) some mums I know here will especially put in effort on days say, they can’t make it to an event, or if they’ve been extra busy at work – I think they would love to pick up some nicely prepared lunches for their kids a few times a week – I used to spend a lot of my lunch hours looking for nice food for Rockstar, among others, to make up for it, 2) I know some mums who are very proud of their lunch box achievements, and 3) it’s a good way to get the kids to eat what you want them to eat! (though not people :D)
Speaking of lunch boxes, I heard that in France, children are not allowed to bring lunch boxes to school. They have to either eat the food prepared by the school’s canteen or go home to eat lunch during lunch break.