1) Harpers Bazaar US is my monthly fashion read of choice, because they have some erm, interesting photoshoots. This however………
The Monsters Of Fashion Exhibition In Paris
There was some mention after New York Fashion Week, about how some fashion bloggers deliberately dress to shock, post the photos. And then there are those considered “the real thing.” Heck, I just wanted an excuse to link Tavi Gevinson‘s blog. (She’s 15 now, started a magazine, but I first read a short article about her when she was 12 (some reports say 11. Whatever, same difference. Young, when she first was discovered as fashion blogger extraordinaire. (And really, the kid can write.)) Her parents only understood the extent of what she was doing up in her room on the internet when she asked for permission to be interviewed by The New York Times.
Says a lot about kids and the internet and a child’s hobby and talent.
Here’s another Cool Hobby By A Kid Which I Think Your Kid Might Love Too, that I’ve been meaning to link for some time:
Evantube. Rockstar used to love watching him but has currently run out of videos. Evan in the video above is 6; what I found cute were the Happy Birthday I Love Your Videos messages from other kids in the comments… And in case you’re wondering, he has a lotta Angry Birds videos that are wayyy more popular
(Also, Rockstar insists on “liking” these things with my/Kings account, we really should get him his own account. In fact, he does his own videos too but wayy nothing that pro and I haven’t had the time to edit, upload or even create his own login yet <sheepish – I really should, he’d been asking for awhile…>)
2) They climbed a dinosaur? Wesleyan University seniors kicked out of Connecticut Science Center after 2 hours of seriously bad behavior. First thing I think is idiots. Linked it after scrolling through some of the comments – from barely human (have no idea what they are saying) Wesleyans to polite ones trying to defend that not everyone there is like that…
But yeah, here you have little kids being a lot more productive with Angry Birds and various other toys and fashion blog hobbies, and then you have some older ones seen to be messing up a college education… Rotan them.
3) And I wish for the dedication to try and do this with the kids:
Artist shows the progression of his work from age 2 to 25.

To this (5)... (I wanted to be a veterinarian. WHAT'S WRONG WITH VETERINARIANS? At 5 he could spell "veterinarian"!)
4) On another topic, a visual of what 200 calories looks like.
…are all 200 calories each.
5) This one…. so-so lah. But, 86 pictures of animals de-stressing surely there are one or two gems.
6) Now, this one I really like. Huffpost’s compilation of videos of dads (scroll to bottom of page in link) – these include Bohemian Rhapsody Dad (he has 3 little kids including one toddler singing Bohemian Rhapsody with him when they are stuck in traffic), Flyball Dad (he caught a stray baseball that flew his way with one hand while dangling a toddler from the other arm), and a couple dancing dads (stick it out for the first 30 seconds thereabouts to get to the good part – if you only watch one, make it Dancing Bar Mitzvah Dad – how many hours did he practice that with his little girl?!)
Bonus points for bravery because the dads are erm, not John Travolta. Your kid doesn’t care you look goofy but you and the rest of the internet world might, when it gets uploaded to Youtube. What better way to say I Love You? (Oh yeah, spend hours with your kid practicing and shake your bon bon to Lady Ga Ga and various other selections obviously chosen by your little girl.)
What an inspiration. And a good weekend.

One small step... My offspring neither keeping on opposite ends of the bed nor hiding from each other behind a barricade of pillows... Think that's a first pic of them doing that...
I feel cheated Aileen! You always end Friday posts with a pic of your Rockstars!
Have a good weekend ahead!
Omg you are right!! Where is my picture there is a blank space there!! You dem fast ah.. Thanks vm I’m out now and will reattach when im back
A good weekend to you and your family too! For this Sunday – Happy Chap Goh Mei!
One question – how did you come up with “Inspiration” which is so apt to link all these topics together? Brilliant!
Please, please get Rockstar his own account – would love to see him assembling and reviewing his toys. I have seen him on u tube reading aloud the whole story book about rabbit, squirrel, hedgehog and badger going on a picnic and it was so well done. His intonation is superb – it is not just plain reading aloud but very expressively done making it a story telling that captivates the audience. I listened to the whole 7+ minutes. Well done, Rockstar!
“Inspiration” in this case was pure luck after looking at the post… sometimes I get it sometimes I how long also don’t get it
Oh I didn’t know you saw that clip – I vaguely remember Kings recording Rockstar doing schoolwork reading one day, I was pumping milk nearby I think… also, I thought Kings did that simply to post on his fb, he is way more active than me (or else that was one of the videos he burned onto cd for both sets of grandparents)- and til now I never watched that clip (!!), like so many impromptu ones kings films when he feels like updating the relatives
Yeah think we really need to start splitting accounts, I suppose he used the Rockstar account for that…
Was Rockstar teaching Miss Rockstar how to play with the toy in the photo? So nice to see them sitting close together.
Yeah wish it happened more often… Not really teaching her (he can do that from miles away at top volume haha) he was just playing with her, moving the different parts on her Busy Board..