Quick one, cos I didn’t want to lump school sports with the next post <ominous>
“It’ll look like total chaos, but they actually know what to do.”
HN’s School Sports Day (which was broken up into Y1 and 2, Y3 and 4 sessions, with 5 and 6 scheduled for the next day) included events like the Rubber Chicken Relay, parachute games…
…winter-wear relay…
(Just an aside, back when they were briefing parents re prepping the kids for school, it was important that we supplied the kids with stuff that would facilitate independence – and one of the things they mentioned was for kids to practice putting on and taking off their own shoes and socks, which they have to do before entering the PE gym. You’d never think twice about it, but after you see that video – camera panning back and forth along this line of 30 kids, all incredibly, incredibly, incredibly engrossed in their shoes and socks before they can even begin to do PE or get back to class……….. you will totally understand the necessity for races to put on and take off items )
Lots and lots of fun ways to hone motor skills, grow neurons…
And where else could we feel perfectly at home yelling…
Not sure who enjoyed themselves more, the kids or the parents. Rubber Chicken Race Cheering neuron….. check!
And here’s the “Chaos Round”
This one is amazing to watch because you have a big bunch of little kids bent on doing… inexplicably… something, and as an adult I didn’t get it immediately but all these kids really do know what to do, and the colour-coded shapes and bean bags really do get systematically scored on (according to HN this is one of the things they do in PE as well, and I really do like it because most of anyone’s day is more colour-coordinated chaos – random spots to stand on and throw from, rather than say, all pre-determined moves all the time)
(And that includes tidying up right after…)
Then the HK Health Department announcement that schools would be closed til after the Chinese New Year (hence you don’t see Rockstar’s school Y5 and 6 sports day :).