“Dear Father, please keep the monsters away from our dreams, our thoughts, and our feelings. Please bless us with a peaceful sleep, that we may rest well and grow strong, and tall -“
(Rockstar cuts in) “No”.
What do you mean ‘No’?”
“Not tall. Only strong.”
“Why not tall?”
“Because I might hit my head on something.”
Rockstar recited the Lord’s Prayer by himself for the first time on 22 Dec last year while we were in San Francisco for the hols… But shortly after, he started whizzing thru it so quickly it was almost unintelligible. Then he learned he could pray for bad dreams to go away. I’m not completely sure that’s just for the kiddies – I want bad dreams to go away too. And not just the ones you get when you’re asleep…
Love kid’s prayers!
Keep up the good work Mum and Dad!