Rockstar attended a friend’s birthday party yesterday, and this was the first “intimate” party (as in, 10-ish kids in someone’s home) we’ve been to with a reptile-and-other-creepy-crawlie show.
(“Other creepie-crawlie” because they had a big hairy orange spider, newts, leopard gecko, and a “Pacman Frog” as well… The only one Rockstar didn’t want to hold was the spider, which he just stroked with a finger.)

(And I found this old pic of when I did that in Bangkok… I was about 8 or 9 in the pic…) I don’t do this anymore. I generally like snakes, but stopped draping them over my shoulders after watching one pee on a tourist…
Sorry not easy to take pics especially with Rockstar yelling “Take a video! Take a video!” and the excited baby kicking and waving her arms maniacally in her harness strapped to me (before passing out to Kings’ Make The Baby Sleep Superpowers.)

KO-ed Baby (unfortunately she only stays that way for 20, 40 mins tops because she is a very light sleeper)
Would’ve let her hold the snakes too, but was a little worried she would take a chomp out of one. And that’s our Saturday, baby…
Wow! Rockstar is so brave to drape the snakes over his neck and shoulder just like mommy when she was just a little girl.
Aileen, you look so cute in the photo with that huge snake! May I be so bold as to request for more photos of young girl Aileen, please? Hehehe.
I have never hold nor touch a snake before though I have seen live snakes around my house when I was a little girl.
Wah wouldn’t recommend you handle those snakes around your home leh… I would never handle one that isn’t meant for tourist or kiddie party purposes, even if they aren’t poisonous don’t they eat rats and things and then they are wild animals, in which case the resulting possible bite would just be a whole load of mah fan… Rockstar didn’t trust the spider (whose name was Tiffany) not to bite btw, because a taxi driver once told us “all” spiders in HK are going to bite…
I’m getting more interested in locating some of my old childhood photos too, because i’m very curious as to whether Her Highness looks at all like I did as a baby… I don’t expect her to very much, because as a child I looked very “malay” especially because I was always outdoors and very tanned so right away the skin color is off…