Yeah I couldn’t think of anything fancy-wancy this week…
(Come on, doesn’t anyone think the guy in the ad is cool? It’s easier to be on a billboard if you look like you belong there…..)
Pictures are from this post on Bored Panda, 30 More Creative Billboards. I liked some, didn’t like some, you be the judge…
1) So you thought your children didn’t like baths.
2) Anyone heard of the Voynich Manuscript? I hadn’t (not…. by any means an indication it’s obscure), but then I remembered a scrapbook on animals my mum had me keep when I was about 9 – by copying bits from encyclopedias, putting together photos, magazine clippings and postcards I would look out for in airports and bookstores.
Someday, I hope to do one with each of The Rockstars. S-O-M-E-D-A-Y.
3) Yeah yeah ok Olympic Fever And All That Jazz – even aliens were interested. Though I did like that 4,000 newts and frogs were mostly relocated by hand. Surprisingly none of these athletes then had a frog for a pet.
4) And this what I was really reading while expressing milk. Virgo, much:
9 habits that do more harm than good (I’d check my sanitizer but obviously you cannot drink tap water in HK. We pass giant bottles of water like what you get in office coolers, parked outside our local neighbors’ doors fairly regularly); and
9 nastiest things in your supermarket. Because with a small child starting a new school and a young baby at home I don’t have enough to freak me out yet.
Have a good weekend…
Ps: Funny story about insurance, I met with a guy this week to get policies for myself and Ms Rockstar. So I hang around in a not-yet-open shopping center near where Rockstar is having Putonghua Camp (desperate attempt to recover his Putonghua, which I initially deliberately let slide leading up to his primary school interviews in English), and half an hour into the time I’m supposed to meet this guy, he calls and says his son is sick so he can’t make it. Sure, we reschedule.
At the reschedule, the guy tells me his 2yr 9mth old son had had a fever of 38.5 that day, which “thankfully turned out to be nothing, at the doctor’s.” Ok, great. I love false alarms. That means they are not real alarms. I will therefore never complain about a false alarm.
“In fact, I’m the one who has to see a doctor, really. I have a serious throat infection that has not cleared with a full course of antibiotics so after your appointment I have to go back to the clinic. Oh, here are a few more (videos of his son bouncing up and down on the sofa with pacifier in mouth).”
Yes, parent. It’s all about your child. This guy is handling our insurance application, so he of course knows I have 4.5yr old Rockstar as well as barely 8 weeks old Ms Rockstar we are trying to buy a policy for. And she came early so is small. He can freak and take the day off work (with a stay-at-home-wife btw) when his toddler runs a 38.5 but it doesn’t occur to him he is meeting me with a raging throat infection and seriously zero effort to keep from infecting me (at least warn me right, and I don’t know, don’t come so close to me?), when I have a young baby at home. Don’t get me started about the fact he has never asked me about either Rockstar – I’m the one who asked after his son, which then caused him to break out all the home videos on his iPad.
Okokokokok cannot end post like this. Let’s try that again:
And something else I used to say when someone pissed me off at work:
I like your Friday post. I learn many new things from it as I have not heard of the manuscript before and I don’t read as widely as you do online.
Did the insurance man wear a mask? I thought people in HK wear mask if they are sick and could pass it on. If he didn’t, he’s not caring and thoughtful to his clients then.
Here’s wishing you, your spouse, both Rockstars a happy weekend!
Does little Miss Rockstar have a different routine for the weekend?
I like your Friday post. I learn many new things from it as I have not heard of the manuscript before and I don’t read as widely as you do online.
Did the insurance man wear a mask? I thought people in HK wear mask if they are sick and could pass it on. If he didn’t, he’s not caring and thoughtful to his clients then.
Here’s wishing you, your spouse, both Rockstars a happy weekend!
Does little Miss Rockstar have a different routine for the weekend?
Wow you’re fast, I still wanted to yak with you about the other comments and was just going to do that as well…
No he did not wear a mask AND he said nothing about the fact he was really sick throughout the whole time we were doing all the paperwork filling forms at table in close(ish) proximity – yes this is quite thoughtless, Rockstar has classmates who attended school in mask (and they’re like, 4) and I put on a mask when I’m sick and my friends’ young babies are around. Some more he freaked when his own kid had a fever. So yes very inconsiderate.
Ms Rockstar usually comes out with us sans nanny, helper etc on the weekend. Would b both days on the weekend and when Rockstar is in school in future except the weather is currently “bad” – v hot and lotsa mosquitos. JD is getting quite unhappy with us this baby period cos I took her for v long walks when Rockstar was born, in winter – right now so hot we aren’t walking much yet…
It’s cute she vies with Ms Rockstar for Rockstar’s attention, with Rockstar for Ms Rockstar’s and my attention etc… The nanny is also employed to throw balls for her
Have patience, JD. Soon little Miss Rockstar with be able to throw balls for you.
Well she finally had a super duper long walk with me today (very uncomfortable weather – was totally drenched in sweat!) and it’s such a relief to see she looks satisfied!!!
Hi Aileen, there’s no “reply” button to your last comment so I’ll just reply here (Re: JD’s long walk). Must be very good exercise for you too to be drenched in sweat – no sauna needed. Most important, JD is super happy with it!
I like your Friday post. I learn many new things from it as I have not heard of the manuscript before and I don’t read as widely as you do online.
Did the insurance man wear a mask? I thought people in HK wear mask if they are sick and could pass it on. If he didn’t, he’s not caring and thoughtful to his clients then.
Here’s wishing you, your spouse, both Rockstars a happy weekend!
Does little Miss Rockstar have a different routine for the weekend?