I…. know. Miss and I were sick at one point…
(Hope the dog doesn’t get hurt if one of the (apparently real) victims tries to actually squish the spider though…)
2) All The Different Ways That iCloud Naked Celebrity Photo Leak Might Have Happened.
I’ve got one more: Scandal, bad publicity news pays. As long as it pays more to be a hacker than an internet security guy, you are going to have first-rate hackers and second-rate internet security guys. If you cannot hammer the errant hacker sufficiently so the wrongdoing doesn’t pay, your only other recourse is to pay him to work for you (didn’t I hear somewhere about tech companies offering a “bounty” for hackers to breach their security – provided they document exactly how they did it?)
3) Almost didn’t post this next because of the title. Some are funny, some are not (but entertaining anyway), Explanations To 15 Jokes Only Smart People Can Understand. There is a typo. “Smart,” in the title, is missing the inverted commas.
I liked this one:
A linguistics professor says during a lecture that, “In English, a double negative forms a positive. But in some languages, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However, in no language in the world can a double positive form a negative.” But then a voice from the back of the room piped up, “Yeah, right.”
4) Crazy people who are also rich, so that’s ok 22 Executives Who Wake Up Really Early.
(We’re not talking an average of 6am… More like 4.30am. Oh but hang on don’t most new mums (and dads) have to do that with night feedings, getting the baby to latch on and stuff? Milk pumping regimen, a new boss who has no qualms screaming their lungs out at you and it’s not like you can complain to HR that your boss is an a-hole and has thrown up all over your bed…)
5) Eye candy: The Many Stylings of Modern Day Dandies. Like, Wow, Their Nails Are Probably In Much Better Shape Than Mine <bows head>

This my favorite because I can’t pull off a white suit with pink trimmed accessories, can you? Or for that matter those shoes…
6) 25 Of The Most Dangerous Journeys To School. Brings new meaning to the “When I was your age we had to walk 50 miles to school” chestnut.
(Ok to be fair according to him he’s perpetually one of the last in to class each day because his current bus is the latest one to arrive… N-ot that I’m complaining because More Time For Breakfast and we live the furthest from the bus stop
7) Wow There’s So Much Eye Candy This Weekend 17 Most Unusual (Beautiful) Beaches.
I chose this one above because of the metaphor: all that used to be trash.
And then I chose this one above because – nope, not saying it. <signs to ward off evil>
8) Skit this week is The Girls Try Their Hands (and Paws) At Jumprope.
(Seems good enough for the Miss…)
Have a good week ahead…
I hope you and the Miss have recovered now. Have a good week!
Do show Rockstar the going to school photo and see what he has to say when comparing it with his school bus. I guess he would say something totally unexpected by anyone.
Did all of you celebrate the mid autumn festival?
Hope you have a good week too, yes I should get round to asking him for comment…
We went lanterning for short while yesterday after late lunch… Kings had to fly off for short biz trip around dinner time…