1) Dad Draws Cool Cartoons On Kid’s Lunchbag Every Day For Two Years, says the header.
Seriously though – how fast does this guy draw? Because usually we’re struggling to barely get to the bus stop on time in the morning…
2) A Bulldog Lovestory (Though I prefer <appropriate accent> Because Igorrr Must Stay In Norrrrway <cue dramatic music> (Not racism; breedism. One commenter pointed out, “It’s a bulldog thing!”)
Most people like it, some reviews are mixed… I’d say it’s wayyyy a lotta work (they also have – is that 3 – kids?) and entertaining, nonetheless. Rather surprised the kennel let them paint the walls though, because I thought the smell might bother the dogs…
3) NASA’s Real Life Enterprise
(Flashback of “space onesie” and goggle-wearing Miss)
4) Scientific photographic proof cats are narcoleptic.
5) So… ants get a lotta fanfare about being super strong, let’s give the frogs some credit too. Frogs can lift 1.4 times their own body weight with just their tongue.
Basically, humans are just wimps.
6) Oregon Wildfire Turns Evacuated Wedding Into Epic Photoshoot
There’s lots more dramatic pics in the link, including one initially rather cheerily titled “Burning Love” which I would’ve instead given some witty and smart (but I couldn’t come up with one haha) caption from Gone With The Wind, but then I liked the road in this one.
U guys ever heard of that old psychology test where they ask you to picture a road before you can think it through? That road or path is how you view your life/ future. Straight ahead highway, winding road, etc. The whole happy hunky-dory happily ever after fairy tale of marriage is bull. Whatever a marriage experiences, whether it survives or not depends less on circumstance (barring “til death do us part”) and more on two people.
Now go back and look at that pic above. There is a freaking giant forest fire and wedding guests have just been evacuated (in fact, the story says they were initially supposed to have cleared out before they could be married, but the father-of-the-bride had teared up as he announced it and the firefighters decided they could be married quickly first.) Amidst the reality of the fire (without which there would be no smoke), the couple stand. No one is drunk, high, struggling with possibly futile and puny fire extinguishing equipment (btw some forest fires strangely good for nature) and there is the straight road ahead. Dis is art. Or why dis is my favorite wedding picture of the bunch.
7) Miss Skit this week occurs at feeding time, and is titled How To Catch A Star. For real, meet Twinkle, her new pet star. There would’ve been pictures of her taking it walkies when we got it on Bumps to Babes run yesterday, but I was too busy being terrified she would let the thing go, it would fly away, and Armageddon would ensue. So, she is safely strapped in feeding chair. Snoresome, but not heart stopping, so there.
Oh yeah – the red nose is extra. She’s been coloring her nose with kiddie pens most recently. But then I look at these pics and there is faint circus music going in my head.
Happy Father’s Day Weekend, dears…
ps: Sorry for not updating “Rockstar on a Mission” yet – the suspense wasn’t deliberate; I underestimated how long Rockstar’s annual class party would take yesterday (Rockstar had loadsa fun though) and so I’m behind blogging…
The dad in link 1 must seriously like drawing a lot!
I like I was a cat in my past life because I can sleep like a cat, hahaha.
Miss Rockstar is too cute for words, especially with her red nose. Can see that the she absolutely loves her star shaped indigo-purple balloon.
No worries, do take your time. Suspense is good, helps to train me to have patience.
Have a good father’s day weekend to all of you too!