1) It’s like The Matrix for blogs… Internet anonymity and cheap shots are to popular online writers what gravity is to Newton’s apple, on this here earth. This is the story of a guy who managed to bend the laws of human nature and physics on his blog – without sacrificing readership. Don’t Be A Jerk To People You Disagree With isn’t the real title of this thing, it’s just mine
2) “…They’re lost too, scrambling for affirmation that they’re doing things the right way, that their kid is going to be okay. Okay or a genius. They’re knee-jerk judgmental, compensating for their own lack of conviction, a little defensive, hiding their deep fear just below the surface….. They miss work, miss people……”
Here’s Trying To Make Mom Friends Is The Worst. Yet I can think of something worse than that – the people who either have loads and loads of help or have simply never done it before – who cannot fathom how hard it is to follow a little person around all the time, cleaning diarrhoea from crevices and vomit off creases, and who judge you. Ditto the jerks who have never carried baby weight – they exist; a male once said to me when a mum friend of mine got cheated on, “Oh, but she is quite fat anyway, right…”
AND the ones who never even tried to breastfeed (not the ones who couldn’t, due to actual physical limitation like say, a C-section – imagine your multiple-layered wound full of stitches when your womb contracts as you nurse) BUT have a gadzillion “really smart things” to say about other people breastfeeding.
Why, yes, the Miss was sick again recently. What gave it away? (And like, wow you guys must expect I look hideous now )
3) So appropriately named, following on from the previous link (;D), “We don’t even really know who invented it…” Why White Plastic Chairs Are Taking Over The World.
“…Seeing a white plastic chair in a photograph offers you no clues about where or when you are…”
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4) Some are dated, but this is still here because of my vote for Teacher Of The Year (pay no attention to language!):
5) Somewhat in contrast, A Pupil Points A Finger. A Teacher Is Fired. Now, Can They Be Buddies? ‘…“I thought I was this white knight coming in and rescuing these kids…” Instead of a possibly more “glamorous” job on a well-known politician’s campaign, this Yale grad chose to Teach for America.
‘…One father filed a report… after the teacher had pulled the man’s daughter off a boy she was sitting on and punching; the teacher was cleared in that case… “We all had accusations from kids, and the principal would tell us it was something kids do to get attention.”…’
As a 7 year old, Raynard Ware would make allegations of physical mistreatment, fired up into lawsuits by his mother, that got his teacher Mr Kaplowitz fired. As a 21 year old searching for male role models, he would think, in his dorm room, “Mr. Kaplowitz knows the path to honest success…”
6) Serious, serious, serious eye candy. Artists Collaborate To Make London’s Children’s Hospital Cozier.
7) And Cuteness Overload… The Zao Fox Village In The Miyagi Prefecture.
8) Rockstar Skit this week is We’ll Go With What Works… (I… know. Girl toddler vs 7 year old in Ninja Weapon Fight. See, in our household, and Rockstar would want me to clarify I mean his boy hood no disrespect, we have to watch for the girl toddler not to beat up on her brother because Rockstar holds his punches, and the Miss is well, crazy.)
Their sparring match begins…. with Rockstar’s Weapon of Choice being the Donatello (Ninja Turtles) Bo Staff (because it has the longest reach and he doesn’t have to get too close to her) and the Miss selecting a random Katana lying around the house.
“Too short”.
So the Miss rummages for something else….
Rockstar: OMG she found my light sabre. Don’t break that!!
Miss: Hee Hee HEE <evil laugh>
(Now Rockstar’s holding his punches even more :D)
So they decide to go build blocks with their respective Ninja Turtle masks on…
Happy Ending and a good week ahead, dears…
May Miss Rockstar gets better soon!
Both Rockstars look so cute with ninja masks on!
Have a good week ahead!
The masks are actually getting a bit small…. for BOTH of them!! How you’re having a good week too…