***Spare post alert – this was not posted from Hong Kong… Stay tuned, even as we search for Wifi…
Playing with Boggle Jr one day…
Rockstar: Look what I spelled, Mum. “Caju”.
Me: And that’s –
Rockstar: A new way to sneeze.

Yeah it's not a sneeze, it's just gross - it's his "alien face". Lucky he doesn't do this one anymore...
In Singapore recently…
Taxi driver: It’s Lantern Festival today. Can you say “Lantern” in (Putonghua)?
Rockstar: Don’t know.
Taxi driver (heavy Singlish): (Putonghua) is very important you knowww… Cannot dono, this must know oooone!
Rockstar: But I don’t know the Chinese for “Lantern”. So I’ll make up something. “Lantern” is <makes up something>
Taxi driver: <laughing> No, it’s (whatever Putonghua for “Lantern” is- I’ve forgotten)
Rockstar: It should be <his made up word>. Mine is better.
Taxi driver: <still laughing> Waah, you very funny ah boy.
(The Rockstar is not pleased at not being taken seriously.)
Rockstar: No! NO!
Me: HEY. Study hard, you can change it to your word one day. Or write for the tv shows. Or decide what’s on tv. Or pass a law forbidding taxi drivers from laughing during their shift.
(And I think he’s considering it.)
Rockstar: Mum. Daddy. Did you know dinosaurs are extinct? My teacher said that in school today.
Kings: <impressed> Wow. Do you know what “extinct” means?
Rockstar: It means they all died. They’re not here anymore…
Rockstar: Daddy. Did you go to Kindergarten?
Haha, did the taxi hear you say “pass a law forbidding taxi drivers from laughing”?
Should be, I said it quite loud in the cab because I didn’t mean offense… Taxi driver just kept laughing
“Rockstar: Daddy. Did you go to Kindergarten?”
i dont think i know what is Extinct at his age, u know?