The moment JD stabilised from her accident (barely) we were strongly advised to get all the testing re her various pre-existing conditions done at the same time, so the veterinary professionals knew what to focus on… My heart has soared, sunk, levelled off, even as the saga continues, with some of the most unexpected twists and turns in the tale…
OK quick catch-up – Kids had 3-way conference before the Easter break (YES that’s how long this has been sitting :P)

These are the kids going to 3-way Conference in school. Rockstar is dressed… as a normal human being who is nonetheless proud of having completed Outward Bound Camp through the school. HN is dressed….. as Wonder Woman*
3-way Conference is a day for the kids to think of and show what work they’re proud of, and where they can improve. As I understand it, it’s based on their own targets as discussed with and set out by their teachers (rather than say, in any competition with other kids), and is largely meant as a day for positive reinforcement (not say, criticism).
*Re Wonder Woman costume: When laying out their clothes the night before, I asked HN if she wanted something with sparkles, and she replied “No, I’m going as Wonder Woman.” It took some self control not to discourage her from actually following through on it. Because I worried if she wore that, she might attract some measure of Huh. So You Think You So Wonderful At Schoolwork Issit? (Interestingly I suspect if she had chosen some Disney Princess dress she’d just get Oh So Cute-kind of reactions)

And so we’re supportive. This is Wonder Woman at Conference showing… numerous bits of paper taped… and taped…. AND taped together into one of her books.
One day when challenged How High Can You Go at writing numbers she’d gone on and on, and on, inexplicably on various bits of paper, so school staff had taped the entire thing together and rolled it up in her book.

DON’T freak out, this is Rockstar’s not HN’s haha – our favourite numbers game at his conference. We haven’t made it to 10 digitd yet and are still resisting the urge to Google it…
There was also a list of trivia questions and Global Goals issues and I dunno how many parents can answer ok… Fine. Just me. I don’t know how many of these things in Conference – name all the Goals etc – I can answer!

And, sports. That’s the simple (but pretty huge deal to us) “badge of honour” you get for playing a sport for the school
Rockstar tells me there are kids who have like, five or more of those white badges on their shorts, for having represented the school in various sports events. N-ot Rockstar’s natural strength. There are kids who are really, really good at all these field and ball sports – they move like adults, better than some of us adults. Except they’re kid-sized. Kid sized adults. Kadults.

For Rockstar to just make the one, to get to play something for Kennedy before finishing his schooling there, has been an honour. (And you can see some of the kids with multiple white “bars” on their team uniform shorts )
Then it was the last day of school and the kids got makeovers (and caught Ready Player One, Steven Spielberg’s latest – loves!)
“Before” looks:
And after:
ps: Can I just say… if you had a kid who topped “everything” from maths to language to music to competitive ice dancing, winning umpteen Gymnastics gold medals along the way, then you’re either aliens or your kid is completely not being challenged to improve… And NASA also probably wants to talk to you
Sending my love, hugs and prayers for JD. The kids are looking good
I hope you are taking care of yourself too. Care for yourself before you can care for others is always my motto.
Thank you, Elle. JD passed away peacefully a few hours ago looking out our balcony while we were at church. It was the most merciful ending we could have hoped for.
My biggest hugs goes to you & the family. It’s never easy losing your best friend who is a huge part of your family. May JD feel more comfortable now. I’m really sorry for your loss.