GlaMum vs Germs

It had to happen.  My little germ factory bringing home a cold to mummy dearest.  Sharing friendly microbes.  I’m down for the count – does a childhood in Sandakan, Malaysia (different bugs than Hong Kong) have anything to do with my lower resistance?  Mr Product of Hong Kong seems to have the resistance of a rhino to this one, something admittedly I’m happy about – better me than him, I would rather steam bath him til he gets all pruney than overmedicate.  Since SARS and Swine Flu, I have become a germ freak – in my black Prada is an arsenal of toddler disinfectant supplies. The leather and metal makes it significantly heavier to tote around than your average Sportsac but a good bag makes the GlaMum so I am never giving up my bags.  To make up for the additional weight, I carry round small versions of everything.   In a little black plastic pouch with a pink breast-cancer awareness ribbon print, I am able to fit:

A 2-inch bottle of sanitiser spray (which I refill from an industrial-sized supply in the kitchen)

Similar 2-inch bottle of organic all-natural insect repellent (ditto on refills).  Very important in Hong Kong during summer – so many insects carry bugs (sorry)

Travel-sized baby wipes (for Rockstar’s face and hands or diaper changes)

Individually wrapped alcohol wipe (for whatever café table we have decided to set up camp at, usually in Starbucks and in case my little bottle of sanitiser runs out)

Chicco Baby insect bite medication in pen-sized dispenser

Baby hand sanitiser foam (in case Rockstar puts his hands in someone’s drooling Labrador and there is no sink to wash nearby)

SPF 50 toddler sun hat

A diaper and sample-sized Mustella diaper cream tube (when buying in bulk every month, I always ask the salesgirl for samples – who wants to carry around all the big tubes and bottles?)

A little police car with siren, or fire engine truck – Rockstar gets to pick one toy to put in my handbag each morning

I currently have three medium shoulder bags (recycled from my days at the office) to match mummy outfits :

The black Prada saddle-cum-doctor’s bag-looking installment with the gold buckles that I’m currently using

Rusty red Yves Saint Laurent Musebag

Acid yellow/green Escada frame bag

There’s also a flowered Marc Jacobs red and blue beach tote (large enough to fit towels)

All completely close/ zip up so nothing ever falls out on the street when I’m struggling to pick up a fussy toddler.

The price to pay for fashion is remembering to repack frequently; the tradeoff is feeling put together when you catch your reflection in the mirror at some department store, even as you run after your wild animal for the umpteenth time.

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