A Tale of Two Christmas Trees…. And Something Else.

And yet…. not an eye-roll in sight. No mean feat, this. 

We have our twin Christmas trees standing any-ole’-how in the middle of the bedroom because the Miss is perpetually not done messing with them. They’re always messy, and at some point the Miss decided “Ko-ko’s tree (was) not pretty enough” so she’s pretty much taken over both trees. Rockstar’s annoyed, but not annoyed enough to actually sacrifice precious Youtube or Minecrafting time to decorate his own tree, so we’re calling it kind of even.

Periodically the dog knocks them over, but this time it was one hapless Kings – very unfortunately for him, something even breaks. I rush over, because while the flumph-y sound of the tree falling over in our crazy home is not uncommon, something shattering is.

So Kings is picking up little shards of tinsel when Queen Of Everything comes in, sees it……….. and 10 seconds later decides to bawl her eyes out. Like, HUGE drama, requires cuddles from everyone else to the tune of “D-d-d-da-ddy broke iiiiiiiiitttttttt!!!! Daddy’s naaaaaaugh-ttteeeeeeeeeeeeee.” After lotsa cuddles and my wry comment to our new helper, “See. Told you she’s a terror when the dad is around,” which brings a fresh round of tears, and some glaring at me, she even briefly refuses to talk to the dad – much to Kings’ consternation. (How many dads out there can relate to this now? :D)

Now, let me tell you a bit more about what Kings broke – a large sparkly bauble that we can go right back out and replace at Indigo. The Miss knows this. If she had broken it, she’d have been “Oh. Huh.” (Rockstar’s remark) or “Yay, Mummy, now we can look for something else, or “<take charge tone> Let me fix it/make something to replace it.” (My remark.) But because Kings broke it………

Me: Recovered from your fright yet?

Kings: Not really. Wow. 

Me: Don’t tell her. Because otherwise it’s all going downhill culminating in you replacing that bauble with a pony. A real one.

My old Taiwan RM described this kind of thing, “As-ident happen no-buddy hurt is best of unlucky.” And pony. 

Ok, well almost.

Ok, well almost.

That’s a pink Rody we got on sale for the Miss because she was otherwise feeling a little left out while we prepared Rockstar for war his first school camp outing. Extensive packing list (everything to be labelled!) aside, this 3 day 2 night stint – after a big year band exhibition to boot – is really useful for erm, doing a little “housekeeping”: We have these very fit-looking teachers who look to us (parents of precious little kiddies) like they run Marine bootcamps (:D) assure us there are highly qualified, trained professionals and medical staff onhand at BMT Year 4 Camp.

The polite, “there won’t be any porters there,” at Parent Briefing was enough to make us hurry back to check whether our kids can carry their own weight at camp, feed themselves between meals (Rockstar’s bringing instant oatmeal sachets and a flask of warm water which I’ve been told he must be able to carry himself (got it!) and will not be replenished on site once it runs out <impressed in a sick way; there are medical professionals there right?? They can set any broken bones right? Which somehow might arise from making instant oatmeal with tepid drinking water??? :D>

First Child, First Camp, between an exhibition and…….. another fairly big event for Rockstar I’ll mention after the fact because I don’t wanna jinx it… Akan datang. Coming soon.

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1 Response to A Tale of Two Christmas Trees…. And Something Else.

  1. mun says:

    All the best for Rockstar’s school camp outing. Everyone must be really excited about it. Poor Rockstars’ father to have to face Miss Rockstar’s silent treatment because he broke a bauble on the Christmas tree she decorated painstakingly herself.

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