All You Need Is Loveramics (To Let The Dog In)

Rockstars in da cab! Get the party started...!

Rockstars in da cab! Get the party started…!

Me: <secretly thinking> What Have I Done?? What have I got myself into now?  Long cab ride with the THREE of them all squished together?? Is the cabbie gonna dump us in the middle of nowhere and speed off?

(That hasn’t happened, but it’s true there’ve been cabbies who’ve said things like “I’ve waited ages for you to stop the noise she is making and have already been very patient. You are the parent. Do something.” Oh, and another one – the Miss likes to pay our cab fare. Most of the time they cooperate, but occasionally you will have one who is impatient with her and then will say to me, “Why can’t YOU just pay me the fare instead of mucking about with her?”)

Rockstar: This is a picture of the Miss growing an extra head wearing a HK Scouts Cap and a hand out of the top of her head and a dog’s head out of her ear.

As it turns out however, the Miss is unusually well-behaved when she has the dog right next to her. (To be exact, JD has one hind foot on the Miss’ lower leg because for some reason that’s how this dog rolls when she sits next to someone she’s comfy with in a car.)

As it turns out however, the Miss is unusually well-behaved when she has the dog right next to her

The Miss chattering the dog’s ears off because I wouldn’t let her bear hug JD while strapped into her travel booster seat and eating yoghurt drops

This is the Miss uncharacteristically silent for a moment - see the dog's ears beginning to recover :D

These two have a love-hate-love relationship, it’s sometimes a tussle to be the one bossing the other (they take turns), so it was nice to catch the look she’s giving JD in this one

And so… here we are.

JD is all Let. Me. Out...!

JD is all You’re Just Standing There Taking A Pic?! Let. Me. Out…!

The Rockstars painting their mugs and hors' doeuvre bowls. Fine, snack bowls.

The Rockstars painting their mugs and hors’ doeuvre bowls. Fine, snack bowls.

photo 3-129 photo 1-181

photo 2-176 photo 1-214

(We haven’t collected back all their pottery yet so some of these are earlier pieces… It takes awhile for the store to send them somewhere to be glazed and you have to sign a disclaimer saying you understand these things may break during the glazing process and you are not to go nuts at them if it happens.)

photo 1-175

photo 2-207

There’s lotsa older kids going in and out, lotsa small parties and playdates (Loveramics can seat up to 16 at a time but most groups are much smaller, like ours – JD included), obviously Rockstar’s Minecraft Weapons Mug got some attention… There was also an elaborate but child-like painted bowl of a pink dragon… Some kids and adults btw, are really, really good at these things and sit there for several hours (personally I find it quite hard to paint elaborately unless you have several hours to burn and certainly some adults were there that long – they play good music in the store 🙂 ) and I remember seeing a couple pieces there that made me think “No wonder you have to sign disclaimers…”

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2 Responses to All You Need Is Loveramics (To Let The Dog In)

  1. mun says:

    I like the minecraft cup drawn by Rockstar too! Looks really artistic.

    Love the way Miss Rockstar was looking at JD that you managed to capture on camera. Smiling so tenderly at JD.

    • Aileen says:

      Erm… Well he isn’t really arty the way other kids might produce beautiful paintings and things, he does what looks more like diagrams, to me 😀 but certainly he can do whatever he likes with his art stuff…

      Yeah I love how she’s looking at JD too… I didn’t realise til I went back and looked at the pics…

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