Almost Not Friday Post

1) This has to be my first link – but I think the original title is a little misleading. 8 heartbreaking stories of animal prosthetics. “Beauty” the eagle would have been euthanized eventually if she couldn’t feed herself after her beak was shot off.

This was the before pic:

Is she awake in the pic at right?!

The prosthetic saves her from being put down. So at first I was wondering why the title of Bored Panda’s post was “heartbreaking” – except I guess they mean how some of the animals got to be that way in the first place.

Next up…

Pic from

No, I do not know how to better follow a picture of an eagle with prosthetic beak with that of a cupcake.

2) Arbitraging Hostess Junk Food. People were buying up those horrendously unhealthy cream-filled cake snacks after Hostess announced liquidation. (Two days later it seems someone will buy the brand and keep that All American Junk Food available.)

Dis is like Fine Wine Investment. You are not supposed to consume the stuff. Just hoard it as a Dust Collector That Potentially Makes Inexplicable Profit. Kind of like what they do with the Fine Wine (btw HK is a major asian hub for Fine Wine Investments and Mainlanders like to buy it (and other high-end bottles of stuff, the pricier the better) as gifts at CNY) except with junk food.

I have never, ever eaten a Twinkie or Hostess Cupcake or Fruit Pie – but I used to read the comic books that had the ads and strangely I really love the ads. So anyway I’m going through the slideshow of snacks and thinking OMG people eat these things as snacks fairly often?? Cream! CREAM! CREAAMMM!!!

And can anyone explain to me why some Tweets think it heralds the zombie apocalypse?

Oh wait, not such a good trade if fans succeed in petitioning President Obama in the nationalization of Twinkies. They might not need to though… Why hoard the Twinkie if you can buy the company/brand that makes the Twinkie. (Now, there’s a trade for you :D)

3) Aren’t you glad that USD 23,000 utilities bill was a mistake? Outrageous bills. (#3 in the slideshow was disgusting, though. After her son is killed by a drunk driver, the mum is billed towing and stowing charges for perpetrator’s car – and USD 50 to clean her son’s blood off the road. The only time I’ll say it on the blog – WTF???)

4) Fake Queen. Fake Darth Vader. You get the idea – 10 funniest fake Twitter personas (who are nevertheless really funny).

I like Sarcastic Rover: If you see anything weird in my pics, just assume it’s an alien, okay? Even though the odds of it being a rock are literally 100%”

Ps: Don’t tell Rockstar. a) He loves Mars Curiosity Rover (especially Mohawk NASA Guy), and b) He gets really offended by sarcasm.

5) 9 Thanksgiving Nutrition Myths. (But really why it’s here is because of the one that says one pig-out doesn’t hurt. Way to break a person’s heart there.)

Still, Yum.

Not a myth: Presidents of the United States pardon a turkey on Thanksgiving. Then it gets to go to Disneyland. What, think I’m kidding?

This one's named Courage.

6) 25 of the healthiest herbs. Like when you say “I graduated from a top 5 university in Singapore” and there are only 5 universities in Singapore. I mean I can’t even name 25 herbs, can you?

7) 5 life lessons from working at Mc Donald’s.

pic from

No, Never Eat Fast-Food is not one. I like “No task is beneath you.” (But I would really hate to clean a toilet. Speaking of which.)

Dis looks familiar.

8) Toilet paper art.

And with that –

Have a good weekend, yay!

Dis is a prosthetic tail.


**Update:  Saturday morning with all that news about Black Friday shopping, I had to put this one up:

Black Friday Brutality (through the years) – there’s one where two women slug it out in Toys R Us and then their husbands draw guns and chase each other around the store, eventually leading to their deaths. 


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3 Responses to Almost Not Friday Post

  1. mun says:

    A good weekend to you too! So nice of Bridgestone to give the dolphin a synthetic fin.

  2. mun says:

    A good weekend to you too! So nice of Bridgestone to give the dolphin a synthetic fin.

    • Aileen says:

      Yeah maybe someone there loves dolphins… I think long ago the manager at Peak Lookout said they have a designated dog area (it’s a pretty NICE restaurant) and often have dogs in attendance when they’re booked up for weddings – because the boss has a giant English bulldog himself…

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