And So It Begins.

Someone call Cute overload…



Queen Elsa just got her uniform. She still has a little while more until actual lessons, but she’s literally counting down the days.

Then look out world.

Then look out world. (This is really the pose and expression she struck ok…)


…Couldn’t hold it forever though… Pfft (snort)

Rockstar was quite relieved to hear she would not be in the same class as he.

Me: …Because he’s worried you won’t listen to him if ever he gets your group of little kids to help with.

Queen E: Oh. Yeah. That’s right. 

Rockstar: See, Mum?

Me: She won’t have a choice.

Queen E: But. ….He’s my. Ko-ko.

Me: You have to respect the belt because all the kids who reach that stage would’ve put in the work and followed the instructions and learned lessons to pass the gradings for it.

Queen E: But… <trails off><Brightens> We are not in the same class right?

She’s great with Rockstar’s friends (including saying things like, “You’re older than me, you’re not supposed to do that,” if they so much as THINK of bullying her), but kinda stomps on her big bro’s pride (and heart) with her big Elsa light-up shoes.. For e.g.:

Queen E: Mummy, I want Ko-ko’s gwape juice. He’s not drinking it anyway.

Me: That’s up to Ko-Ko. How much d’you think he wants to share with you after you (swat him on the shoulder) so many times?

Queen E: I didn’t hit him that many times. <pause> Because I missed.

Rockstar: <Grunts, but doesn’t look up from laptop><doesn’t bother to respond about the unfinished juice either>

Me: You’re not even supposed to try to hit him at all.

Queen E: Ok I want grape juice. I promise I won’t hit him. <pause> For 5 minutes.

Rockstar: <BIG SNORT>

Ah well, we'll see...

Ah well, we’ll see…

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2 Responses to And So It Begins.

  1. mun says:

    Miss Rockstar must be like the youngest ever there when she starts her lessons. Can’t wait to see her in action!

    • Aileen says:

      Haha yeah… She’s not really the youngest ever, in the sense that it’s not uncommon for siblings of existing students to waitlist until they’re old enough to start… So lotsa kids start at minimum age here…

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