The Dancing Queen

One fine day in Causeway Bay…

Hello... What's this?

Hello… What’s this?

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Only how all flash mobs should start…

Passersby stop for awhile to watch..

Occasionally, passersby stop to watch, even as many more keep walking, but with a fresh smile on their faces..

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Y’see dear readers, apparently, “Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music”…..

But oh, what a joy life would be!

But oh, what joy, to have such abandon!

And so dear readers, as the week begins, Find Your Own Music To Dance To.

Doesn't this look like fun?

Don’t we all secretly want to do some variant of…. THIS?


(At some point, Rockstar went to go sit down nearby...)

At some point, Rockstar went to go sit down nearby…

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…but not before she recruited him as Slightly Bashful Backup Dancer…

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She had decided to join the Demo video dancers on tv at a Broadway store. Note also her silver owl backpack that Rockstar took from her to carry the moment she started dancing

She had decided to join the Demo video dancers on tv at a Broadway store. Note also her little silver owl backpack that Rockstar took from her the moment she started dancing

Whose little silver owl backpack can we carry this week, so someone can go nuts in front of a Broadway store? Thought for the week….. 🙂


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1 Response to The Dancing Queen

  1. mun says:

    Miss Rockstar is THE dancing queen! where did she learn to dance like that? What a free spirit! Rockstar is so supportive as in he did not stop her but sat down to watch and then join in too.

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