About a day after I posted, embedding was disabled, to view the video on Youtube click here
The Death Class: A high school in Hong Kong is offering this, there is an additional hope of stemming an increase in teen suicides.
Hong Kong Public Libraries Leisure and Cultural Services Department also provide a Subject Talk Series on Life & Death Education: Impermanence & Permanence of Life (but seems to be all in Cantonese…)
How does a “death class” try and stem the rise in teen suicides?! There’s no correlation that would make it a plausible point. Yes, teens should be taught more about “death” so it doesn’t remain a taboo subject but teens are killing themselves, not because they are scared about death but because of what is going on in their lives at that time is scarier than death! Teens need people they can trust, with whom they can talk to and who are going to give them honest and non-biased points of views/ options, where they won’t be judged or lectured on whatever is troubling them.
Very good points. And I have to apologize that I typed fast when I first found the video and saved it in my drafts folder and wasn’t more careful when I went back to post it. If you look at the comment under the video on Youtube itself (btw the original video seems to have gone and the new ones don’t allow embedding so the link I put above may not work for much longer either) you will find they actually said “school hoping to broach taboo subject” and THEN “it’s also hoped to stem … spate of suicides… young people.”
Just to clarify, because I didn’t want that my carelessness made it a little misleading… You wrote your comment better than I wrote my post
My comments weren’t directed at you Aileen but rather a commentary about the lack of logic that the staff at the school had vis-a-vis teen suicides prevention.
Yes dear, I kind of got that, but didn’t like the carelessness of my previous statement anyway… Off to Singapore (kind of impromptu trip) now…