Free Poses

Eagle-eyed shoppers might have noticed a new addition to an Indigo Kids window display, mid-afternoon this day.


Pick a caption:

1) Where’s the pedal thingy so I can gun the engine?

2) This’ll have to do, I don’t know where the Ferrari is.

3) Free poses

Cyberport work warriors were taking cell phone pics. Little Miss however was in a serious mood. No hamming it up and not even a smile. And yes I’m thinking Oh No, Not Another Super-Serious One.

ps: The last few days have been some of the busiest/ most eventful for me in a long time. Besides a major social event last night, I just got out from MC-ing Kings’ Asia Bankers’ Club event tonight. Put The Rockstars down for a nap mid-afternoon so they could last til I got home without doing a nutty (we weren’t so lucky the night before) since the helper has no luck getting them to bed and can only watch them for short periods. As for Kings’ event, will blog when I can – there’s a story to tell, if I can find the words (and footage) and do a good job on it… Suffice to say I’m trying not to freak out after passing the long entrance queue 15 minutes before I thought they were going to START admitting people and I hear, “Oh well, it’s only like, 500 people.” Well you see, I thought it was 300….

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2 Responses to Free Poses

  1. mun says:

    Mommy has already picked caption 3 so that is the winner!

    Riding horses is serious business so must be serious, can’t laugh.

    Well done Aileen for being a MC in an event of 500 people. What stage fright, right?

    • Aileen says:

      It’s hard not to laugh (or at least smile) at a toddler who is super serious about riding a rocking horsie, without irony. I’m just grateful the MCing thing turned out alright. Thank God ok…

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