1) You know, I link these and it seems like Oh Look What Overachieving Parents And Kids Are Doing To Someday Change The World Now! Woo-hoo! but you know that’s not really what I’m thinking right? More like Wow Lookit This Kid And Have You Seen The Peacock Spider’s Mating Dance?
Still, you gotta be brill, to be going to college when you’re 11. Congrats, Carson. Go Horned Frogs.
And here’s Dance Of The Peacock Spider:
(Hah betcha thought I was making that up. Uh, that thing about not smart enough to make em up remember?) My response to Rockstar’s remark about male crickets rubbing their legs together to find girlfriends. And WHY is this not to the tune of Y-M-C-A?
2) Self explanatory why this wasn’t my lead:
She wasn’t. But she was the mum of a disabled girl.
Still, I speculate where this comes from. This comes from That Place where long ago I vaguely remember our pastor once describing how a friend of his had been paralyzed in an accident. He had I think, 6 kids. One day our pastor was with him and the disabled lot was taken up by someone with no sticker and so Keith had to park really, really, really far away and it was a struggle with the wheelchair in the lot. And all Keith said after that was “Happens all the time.” Kinda shrugs (as in, imagine a shrug. I’m not sure he could shrug.) Our pastor had paused during his sermon: “Don’t you EVER park in that spot!”
I mean it’s either that or some ugly toad of a person got doubly shamed on a mummy blog for shaming the wrong person. Or some dummy who didn’t see the sticker made someone else’s day much worse for their ignorance.
You know that trite thing people say about Everything Happens For A Reason? Make this awful thing about 1) remembering never to park in that spot unless we qualify. 2) being VERY CAREFUL about shaming someone else parking in that spot. Heck, 3) being nice to people.
So Little Miss and I are in the techie Cyberport a lot, albeit often at various times of the day. The building reception guys at the entrance we always use rarely help with the door when I’m trying to get the stroller in (despite Lai See at CNY) even when they are standing just a few feet away – they just stand and stare like Will Davies’ proverbial livestock. Though they are very quick to refuse entry to Rockstar in his blades (it was boiling. I had to explain several times that all I wanted was to get to change him into his Pumas on the inside of the door where there was air-conditioning.)
But know what? 80, 90% of the time the various techie professionals of umpteen races walking about inside (Cyberport is home to Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, umpteen techie startups among others) go out of their way to open doors for us even as I thank them profusely and Little Miss gapes up at all the different smiling faces. And we don’t even give ’em Lai See.
It’s not about the building reception guys, it’s about I Hope All These Techie Guys Each And Every Day Have Really Awesome Days. Without the building reception guys I wouldn’t be nearly as enamored of them. (Fine, a bit about the building reception guys.)
There’s a reason for *ssholes in this world. They make us love everyone else.
Scrolling down link of response to note above (also on specialneedsmom.com),
50 Children’s Books With A Positive Message.
3) And one more: New York Children’s Hospital Installs Pirate Themed CT Scan Machine
Y’know, you read about all that competitive parenting in NYC, with the toddler entrance IQ tests and parent vetting and then you see something like this and it’s just so nice how that “obsessive compulsive energy” also goes into making a few sick kids feel better.
4) Foodscapes, by Carl Warner. You will never look at a cabbage the same way again.
Streaks of fat in processed meat = cloud strewn sky? Just a little awesome.
(Hope they ate/ donated all the stuff at the end of the shoot though)
5) This one annoyed me, in a thought provoking way the creators would probably be proud of (I…. happened to take a bit more interest in Disney Princesses now I have Her Highness):

And WHY does it appear she needs the new dress to get the guy? Come to think of it, how come he could only recognize her if she could fit in the glass slipper??
6) OK so this is way funnier, even if you must’ve seen at least some of these by now:
7) This week The Rockstars star in a little skit titled Nary A Back Scratch In Sight. Drrum roll, please, for You Brush My Teeth……
I Brush Your Teeth:
Have a good weekend. Practice good oral hygiene.
Our Work Here Is Dones.
Good to see Rockstar so hands on with taking care of Miss Rockstar. Brushing her teeth and allowing her to brush his so that she is receptive to brushing teeth.
Have a good weekend. Happy Merdeka Day!
P/S The news about the boy’s eyes being gouged out is so very awful. Did you read about it?
Yikes no… And dare not now you mention… Is that in Malaysia?
Little Miss is…… not very receptive to brushing teeth. That’s the only way we get her to open her mouth – with Rockstar’s help. I do occasionally use baby teeth wipes but she BITES.
No, it did not happen in Malaysia but in China. I really hope the six years old boy will be ok but he will definitely be blinded for life until some technology chips implants are invented.