KICK-ASS is not for children!!

4.30am, having remembered the previous night to dress Rockstar in something he can sleep in as well as look like he’s freshly dressed to catch our connecting flight back to Hong Kong in, we pick up still-sleeping Rockstar and make for Penang airport.

7am is the only Penang-Hong Kong flight on Cathay Pacific at the mo, with about an hour transit in KL. After being woken 3 times to buckle sleeping Rockstar for takeoff, landing, and takeoff again, I can’t sleep.

Kick-ass is the kiddie movie I haven’t gotten round to renting for movie night (less than once a month, some months) which is really movie-we-can-watch-while-Rockstar-hangs-around-the-living-room-occasionally-glancing-at-the-tv night and there doesn’t seem to be anything else on, so….

Mummies of the world beware! Bad case of State The Blindingly Obvious ahead:


Shock! Horror! It’s NOT!

I erm, haven’t been reading comic books in awhile.  I thought it was going to be like those Superman movies with the late Christopher Reeve (whom I just had the biggest crush on when I was a little girl. Loved Superman. I thought this was Rockstar’s generation of.)

They looked so cute in their costumes…

Saw the trailers on E! Entertainment which had all the funny bits and the little girl looked adorable. So cute, so wholesome, so much like the little girl in Rockstar’s favorite Wheels On The Bus DVD.


Wheels On The Bus Girl

Hit Girl

You see, Rockstar doesn’t like girls.

“Girls much angry.”

He still says things like “She pretty,” when he sees a little girl (usually with nice hair). But he’s met too many pretty little mean girls to like them over the boys in his class.

“Boys not much angry.”

Sometimes he revises opinions.

<second look> “Oh, not really (pretty).”

I’m yet to hear him remark over the appearance of any male. Daddy is totally exempt, but when I put on a hairband I get “Mummy so pretty” and when I put on a mud mask, it’s “Eee you so ugly.”

As my girlfriends and gay friends would sniff: “Oh. Men.”

Can’t believe it. I’m raising one. Albeit he’s a little one.

Am I the only one to notice there are tiny (as in, I’m not sure they’re even 4), gorgeous little girls in the playgrounds who choose friends based on attractiveness? I met someone complaining about a certain fairly exclusive international school for not imposing uniforms because of all the wee Hannah Montana-tricked out attendees. And someone’s 9-year old granddaughter asks friends “Did you break a fingernail?” by way of whether they hurt themselves falling down.

I have new respect for mums of little girls today.

Like Rockstar, I’m starting to think they can be scary.

Anyway. Thinking to foster a few more good impressions of girls, I thought of Hit Girl in Kick-ass.

I thought she looked so cute. (Though yes this also looks like a Japanese businessman’s fantasy. Oh yuck perish the thought.)

Nnnnot such a great idea.

You’d have thought a gun might give it away, but nooo I had it in my head this was a kiddie movie so it took this adorable little girl chopping someone’s legs off at the knee, not to mention well, killing them, and everyone else in the room except title character Kick-Ass before it occurred to me:

Hey. I think Kick-Ass might not be for children.

Banishing the misconceptions of Mummies everywhere.

Also, I can’t believe my 64-year old mother regularly took this horrendous 7am flight and hit the ground running every time she got here when we had helper crisis and  couldn’t easily take leave to stay home when Rockstar was a wee babe with a serious aversion to sleeping at night.

We don’t appreciate Grandmum enough.


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