Dis is Art (My laughing (sheepishly ok!) and taking lotsa pics only made her scream even more at my insensitivity to her plight)
Flying pig with pearl necklace, wooden educational toy, salon DVD screen playing Happy Feet (completely to no avail, much to their surprise), my iPhone to capture every delightful moment and – yes, Little Miss screaming her freaking lungs out, blistering the ears of all the patrons in the packed salon. This is Little Miss’ first professional haircut. Of course it is.
This is the super nice kiddie haircut place in Lee Garden, Causeway Bay, where they charge HKD 350 for a baby haircut. We were there for lunch and supplies at the very well-stocked Mothercare (belatedly I realize both large Mothercares I am aware of on HK island are in upscale malls where they sell seriously branded kiddie-wear; how devious is that?) and on a whim I roll by with the stroller – to find they are completely packed and have just one slot available in 2 hours. I’m intrigued.

We also see a mum and baby boy posing outside while the dad takes loadsa shots with a very professional looking camera and so I park Her Highness here and dutifully shoot one on my iPhone after it’s all over
Now, this corner has housed an upscale kiddie haircut place for years – Lee Garden was one of my “hiding places” for a quiet, solitary lunch when I worked and it’s been 3 years since I quit – and I always wondered about bringing Rockstar here. We never made it, because Rockstar gets his hair cut regularly for HKD 150 at the ma and pa shop where Kings cuts his for about HKD 50. It’s one of The Mens’ rituals. They get their hair cut pretty often, every 3 weeks or so. I would not allow Kings to bring my precious little girlie to ma and pa barber shop humph.
The couple hours we drop in and out making the booking and then coming back for the appointment, we don’t see a single Caucasian child, and not one misbehaver either (Little Miss should win some kind of prize) – by the end, I’m glad we’re paying HKD 350. For one thing, I got pictures For another, the service is impeccable and they keep reassuring me they are used to trauma cases :D.

Not all are crying shots. And I love her look in the khaki robe so much I’m going to get her a little trench coat when she’s older.
Btw, I’m not very sympathetic to haircut bawlings <sheepish> even if I’m the one who gets a bad haircut (Which has happened a LOT to me because I don’t often stick with a regular hairdresser, in favor of convenience, if he’s not free. But it’s hair. It’ll grow back. Not like say, fingers. It’s more irritating that someone just doesn’t bother to follow your instructions.) I had my near waist-length hair chopped off into an almost crew-cut pixie my first time – there was so much hair on the floor the guy was kicking it about. On subsequent trips back to Tony and Guy’s, they said they’d expected me to cry. Because apparently the change was that drastic. Was rather peeved because if they’d expected me to cry then they must’ve thought the change in my look was bad.
Well anyway that’s probably part of the reason Little Miss was so angry. I mean I was cuddling and reassuring her and everything (and actually I’ve trimmed her bangs at home with no problem before), but I’m pretty sure she could tell I didn’t see what a TOTAL TRAGEDY it was she was sitting on a flying pig having her hair cut. (During Rockstar’s time btw, I used to shave his head completely with an electric shaver, until he was old enough to go with Kings. He bawled the first time too…)

Finally, Little Miss gets distracted by a blue Cookie Monster manicure. They say she’s the first one. Most kids like the tv.
The people in the salon kept trying to distract her and offering to stop, saying they didn’t want her to be totally traumatized, I asked if the carrying on might be bothering other patrons in which case I definitely would try to quiet her, but otherwise I was just gonna leave her to scream it out because for the most part she wasn’t scared – she was MAD. She doesn’t even like riding on horsies or whatever.
“You really expect me to get on the winged porker with the vapid, drugged out expression like it’s just high out of its freaking mind? NO Flying Pigs On Drugs should be understood. And these things are all over the store. What Is Wrong With These People??”
By the time I decided to cuddle her while they cut her hair, she wouldn’t be comforted. In fact she bawled even louder when we finished and took the cover robe off.
Well anyway, a few more uh, action pics.
And all the while, Rockstar is doing…..
And then the sun comes out again.
And everything is right in the world again.
This is going to earn me a “NOWWW you tell me…!” but am still gonna go ahead with it. Heh…
My ex colleague told me this when I was preggers. During a newborn’s full moon, drape red paper over one of your husband’s shoe cavity. Position your baby & snip a small lock of hair into the shoe cavity. When done, wrap up the red paper & keep. She swore that’s how her 2 kids was so obedient when it came to cutting hair.
I was skeptical as that was the 1st time I ever heard anything like that. Buttt, I did it for my Kiddo’s full moon. *Sheepish* And, I don’t know if it’s coincidence but my Kiddo is very good when it came to hair cuts… No screaming no fussing for her 1st hair cut. Just very curious…
Now that she’s 3.5yrs old, she lovesss trips to the hair salon… Coz she knows she gets a wash n blow dry. Just like Mummee… >.<
I have shared with my other gfs abt this "folklore" before but they didn't believe me. So no one to second this theory to see if it really works or a myth…
Maybe we can try it for your 3rd child or my 2nd child??? *Grins*
That is such an interesting practice, thank you for telling it – I’ve never, ever heard of this before. Though I heard of the one where you release chickens under the bed on marriage night and whichever chicken emerges from the bed, that’s the gender of your first child
I kept Rockstar’s dropped-off umbilical cord in a silver locket from Links of London. Regret, I should’ve wrapped in plastic first because it disintegrated into dust. I kept JD’s baby fangs the same way and forgot this is not the same (sheepish)… Didn’t even get the chance with Little Miss, the confinement nanny said it dropped into poopy diaper. I should just stick to locks of hair and baby teeth la.
All the best for your second – us, I think we are stopping at two
as is, Rockstar was such a handful when he was younger we kinda sat on trying for the second one… And then when we started it didn’t happen for us as soon as we hoped and so as they grow older when one is in Sec 5 the other would be in Sec 1… But all God’s plan 
I see Miss Rockstar is in matching colour with her father.
What a memorable first hair cut for the Miss as mommy captured it all on camera.
I guess she is just not comfortable with stranger fiddling with her hair, hope it is not traumatic for her.
Wow, Rockstar can sleep peacefully through his sister’s crying. He must be used to it or he must be very tired.
He wasn’t sleeping in the salon, sorry for the misconception in how I posted it… He fell asleep on Kings in the cafe nearby (too much Youtube after bedtime) and as a result both Mens were out of commission while I brought her to the kitchen-y play area… Rockstar joined her later when she went back there after her haircut…
She looks so cute
T went to the salon recently too but down right refused. Ended up leaving without a haircut!!”
Haha can imagine as you said he is a very strong-willed boy!
HK$350??? My haircut costs HK$160 — and I’ve had the same hairstylist AND at the same price since I moved to Hong Kong back in 2007! :O
Wow yeah that’s a good price… I’m guessing not anywhere near where I frequent on HK Island?
I wouldn’t have brought her back after finding out it was HKD 350 initially, if not for the fact the entire place was obviously packed, as were the booking sheets that weekend, I had observed the place for years, AND we are almost never in Lee Garden – haven’t been there in years… It was a real tourist thing for me!
(But I wouldn’t mind going again because I’ve not seen anyone cut Rockstar’s hair that carefully, the cafes are comfy, it’s not a horribly crowded mall and they have Mothercare, relatively big free of charge play area (for HK) and large kiddie book and other stores there… Gotta say it was the only place I’ve seen Gucci “kiddie handbags” too – if it wasn’t obviously for a kid because of the size, I would’ve bought ok, that Gucci bag was very, VERY nice!!)
Have a feeling it’s nowhere near where you frequent — but it’s on Hong Kong Island: the Tin Hau/Fortress Hill area, to be precise!