Today It’s Around The Mall, Tomorrow It’s Down The Aisle


 Care on a wager? Which of The Mens do you think is going to be the more over-protective when she grows up; Mens on the right, currently very bothered by Her Highness sitting on the mall floor, or Mens on the left, looking out for renegade strollers and shoppers with – what else – his binoculars “So I can see them coming from far away”?

Hint: Rockstar has declared she can have any Boy Friends she wants – as long as he can brandish a light saber at them.

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3 Responses to Today It’s Around The Mall, Tomorrow It’s Down The Aisle

  1. mun says:

    Thank you for the photo! Miss Rockstar looks so happy walking about being flanked by two men. Just look at her smile!

    The one on the right will be more over protective – is my guess.

  2. Mei says:

    Mens on the Left… Nothing like some good ol chivalry in the name of honour! Esp when its his sister, Lil Miss, that’s involved!!!

  3. Aileen says:

    Thanks, Mun and Mei – I’m back and forth between the two actually. Both are anal, but about different things. Mens on Right is turning out to be the more anal as Mens on Left gets older and mellows a little, but Mens on Right is also less perceptive and sometimes downright blind as a bat about some things. Mens on Left is the opposite.

    Chivalry is a nice thought, though Rockstar said it kinda like “Oh yay a more of those cute little ones for target practice!” (not that he means it, he IS a surprisingly very good older brother)…

    Little Miss does adore the two, especially the older bro who is just her Absolute Favorite Person Ever, but in the photo she is actually beaming because she has just been allowed to walk instead of be pushed around in the stroller. You can also see the two Mens’ grips are different – Kings’ is to keep her off the floor…

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