Little Miss Speak #26 – Something About The Honesty Policy In This Household


Me (to Rockstar, while peering into the Miss’ bowl): Why’d you say she was eating well, there’s so much left?

Miss: Yeah, Ko-ko. Why. Miss not eating. 

Me (to Miss): And yet you say that with not a care in the world. (Miss looks back at me blandly and nods and shrugs)

Rockstar: <also peers into her bowl> Ay? She looked like she was going to finish soon just now. She must’ve stopped right after I looked at her. 

Miss: <nods> Miss stop. Miss not eating.

Rockstar: Why’d you stop? You were doing so well. 

Miss: Want spaghetti. (Obviously intending to yank his chain – it’s his dinner order she’s asking for. Thing is, she declined to have spaghetti several times when I was asking them what they wanted to eat) 

Rockstar: Where are you going to get spaghetti? There isn’t any more. (Seriously didn’t “get” it. Didn’t get that she probably stopped because he peered in her bowl as well.)

Me: I have more – you wanted it for school lunch tomorrow as well, remember?

Rockstar: Ah. (To Miss) You eat your spaghetti ah… <happily trots off, problem solved> 

Miss: You too Ko-ko. You eat your spaghetti ah…

(In the end the Miss actually finishes before Rockstar, wonder of wonders)

And Santa’s Little Helpers have started on Christmas decorations…

 photo 2-81

photo 4-42

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2 Responses to Little Miss Speak #26 – Something About The Honesty Policy In This Household

  1. mun says:

    You mean Rockstar is happy for his sister to eat his spaghetti meant for his school lunch the next day? Good for Rockstar, he is just so generous!

    So heart warming to see both of them working together on the Christmas decorations. Why is Miss Rockstar looking at her brother with her mouth open and in awe?

    • Aileen says:

      Yeah he’s ok about the school lunch sharing, he doesn’t eat as much at school lunch because of the constant lure of playtime :D…
      She’s “posing”… I don’t know why she did that but she only put on that face when she saw me trying to take the pic..

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