Rockstar: What room has no doors and windows?
Miss: <jumping up and down> Jump-ing Mush-room!
Rockstar: <pointing to a picture of Disney characters – the usual, Mickey, Minnie, Goofy> Who’s this?
Miss: Little Miss, (her best friend), and… and…. Mr Scary.
Singing one day in the car…
Miss: Dino-saur, dino-saur… You-are-Sca-ry…..
Miss: Mummy. Shh. Don’t talk loudly, I’m sad.
(Rockstar bursts out laughing)
Miss: SHH! Really! I’m sad. Miss sad. <mock sad face>
Moments later, she starts bawling at the top of her lungs. Considering nothing happened, I take wild guess:
Me: Is that a fake cry?
Miss: Yes. Is fake cry. (Everyone) quiet. If not, Miss fake cry again ah.
Miss Rockstar can fake cry pretty well, I guess.
Here’s wishing all of you a very Happy New Year 2015!
And to you and yours! Still haven’t quite believed that we crossed into 2014 already