My Christmas pressie to myself arrived in the mail several days ago. Horribly late, or ridiculously early? The answer is late. I didn’t want to rush buying myself something for the sake of it being in time as a Xmas present (I think I’d understand) unless I really wanted it… But well also this was my original purchase:
Because I don’t have a green bag and think red and green have an unexpected knack for being more “neutral” accessory colors than we usually give em credit for. I have a darkish rust-red YSL Muse bag that I’ve used like, forever, for work and which Kings occasionally checks on and sends for professional cleaning for me (if you don’t religiously replace the dehumidifiers in your closets in the wetter summer months in HK you will find that your bags and clothing will grow mold. Or, you could run several powerful electric dehumidifiers 24-7 and run up like, HKD 3,500+ power bills dehumidify-ing 1,400 square feet of apartment which is what happened to us when we first got here.)

Here's an old painting I did pre-Rockstar we had to throw out because it got moldy. Not that bad you say?
But Kings is sweet and anal so I forgive (kind of) the occasional manic cleaning spree that sees him chucking out keepsakes of sentimental value (like some of the art Rockstar brings home made of used tissue boxes, plastic bottles and cupcake holders. Or, possibly, our Xmas decorations.)
Both the bags were from, I got the sparkly Miu Miu after I returned the green Marc Jacobs – wasn’t big enough to fit my laptop (note to self: net-a-porter measurements run slightly small) and I was also mildly peeved that for a GBP 20 shipping charge my order on 21 Dec arrived on 29 Dec (and I had emailed on 27 or 28 Dec about it). There’s a disclaimer that because I’m buying a sale item they’re gonna be up to 72 hours late sending the shipment (and after I mailed asking what had happened I got a reply that “(my) sale item” – yes thank you for reminding me I am a lowly sale buyer – might take more than 72 hours to ship… But my expectations were kinda raised by and both managing to send shipments that arrived significantly earlier than that – and I don’t even pay shipping for purchases above USD 100 at, sale or otherwise (but if you return the purchase you have to pay your own shipping). And my other stuff was USD 100-something from both the US sites (I keep buying more and more of Rockstar’s toys from met museum), not to mention both those sites were having sales too…
(Aiya anyway I am obviously kucing kurap customer to since they apparently cater to all the stars – and some more I am buying on sale… The Miu Miu was also like half off, and GBP 350…)
So anyway I ordered the Miu Miu, not really sure if I liked the sparkle (which I think is not really in right now, I would’ve preferred color-blocked leather), except I don’t own an envelope clutch or really anything in that shape. Except when it arrives both my men fall in love with it. My men and sparkles? Really?
This is Rockstar flipping the sequins from silver to garnet. He also makes stripes and checks. So yes, really.
As a laptop bag I guess it’s not bad – no magnet clasps and fits my iMac a lot better than the foam laptop cases I’d gotten earlier. Rockstar absolutely loves rubbing it. He can draw patterns in the sequins. And toggle the clasp. Now it’s even easier for him to get to my iPhone. (Btw want your small child to practice memorizing random numbers? Lock your iPhone and require a password.) Who knew, Miu Miu? You realize your priorities have changed when you compromise fashion for something that amuses your child. (I like Marni necklaces and cuffs for the same reason.)
And so the bag’s a keeper. I carry it with very casual (or non-frilly) clothing, leather jacket and jeans, boots, that kinda stuff… Except I’m still getting second looks from cute little girls in a lotta pink and ruffles, not grown women, because of all the sparkles. Feel a bit weird. Normally (when not pregnant) I’m a dresser for women, not men, unless the hub’s around. Well this is what happens when you cater to your men’s tastes… They both attract cute little girls humph.
Oooh la laaaaa! *drools* :)) i’d be fighting with rockstar over who gets to pet that bag!!! :)) I loveeee sparkles, and that size looks absolutely delish! I say ur men have great taste! (or I have taste of a 12 year old :p).
At last, affirmation!
Thanks la dear, viva la bag petting!
Those cute little girls would never guess that your sparkly Miu Miu contains a Mac.
So sayang that you have to throw that painting away. I didn’t know that you could paint so well. How about doing some paintings now as another way of getting to know baby?
Yeah true a few people still don’t believe that’s my laptop bag til I take out the Mac n show them. I painted while carrying Rockstar too, will post one I did to put in his room if I can take a decent pic of it..
I can mimic most things fairly well, whether style of playing piano or drawing/ painting.. But I don’t consider it “artistic talent” because I was never that “creative” playing/ drawing something on my own – I have to follow to something. I never copy exactly but still… My “true” artist friends/ cousins n even my mum can compose picture without something to follow so theirs I consider true talent..